Alice Maresato

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With a steady hand and focused gaze, Kohta pulled the trigger, unleashing a thunderous gunshot. The bullet sliced through the air, finding its mark and striking the zombie that was dangerously close to the little girl.

The creature's head exploded in a spray of blood and brain matter, its lifeless body collapsing to the ground. Kohta couldn't help but feel a surge of confidence and satisfaction. "I didn't even need any practice shots. I was able to get a headshot with a stranger's gun. I guess I am gifted after all. Well, it wasn't even 100 meters away."

Glancing at him amused, Nagi commented, "Who knew you were such a narcissist, Kohta? Having a gun in your hands significantly boosts your confidence, it seems."

Embarrassed by Nagi's remark, Kohta stayed silent and focused on his next target, taking down another two zombies with precise shots. With the immediate threats eliminated, he turned towards Nagi and said, "You're going to save her, right? I'll support you from up here."

"Let's get going, Takashi," Nagi told him, causing confusion to spread across Takashi's face. Raising an eyebrow, Nagi clarified, "You wanted to save the girl, right? I just sped up the process as Kohta was getting ready to pull the trigger."

"Once you have the little girl, we're leaving. The sounds of gunshots have compromised our location to both the undead and other people nearby," Nagi told him as they reached the stairs and descended. They were soon greeted by a worried Rei.

"Takashi? Nagi?" Rei's voice filled with concern.

"There's a little girl out there," Nagi informed Rei, preempting the question she was about to ask. He continued walking past her as Takashi filled her in on the details. Approaching Nagi, Saeko inquired, "Are you going?"

Nagi shook his head and responded, "One person is enough for the situation. Sending more than one person and things will become hectic. And sadly, I don't know how to ride a motorcycle. We'll be loading the supplies in the Humvee as Takashi saves the girl."

Humming in agreement, Saeko set off to prepare for their departure as Nagi, Rei, and Takashi ventured outside the confines of the house, finding themselves standing in the desolate driveway.

The gate stood as a lone barrier, offering a fragile shield against the encroaching undead that lurked beyond. As Takashi slid on some fingerless gloves, Nagi stood beside the gates, ready to slide them open. "You only have one shot at this. Are you ready?"

Getting a nod in response from Takashi, Nagi, and Rei simultaneously slid the doors open as Takashi revved the engine, its deafening roar piercing the air, and swiftly departed from the house's premises. As he accelerated, the motorcycle's tires kicked up dirt and gravel, spraying a cloud of dust behind him.

As Nagi gazed at Takashi's back, the bike flashed toward the little girl's location. Saya's voice reached his ears, "What the heck was that noise?" Turning towards her with a big smile, Rei replied, "Something good." Her response only confused Saya as she gazed at her puzzled. Rei continued, "We still understand what it is to be human."

'What it is to be human, huh,' Nagi thought as he entered the house and gathered his belongings and necessities. He packed his bag with life-sustaining food and added coffee, kitchen knife blades, the crossbow, and a quiver of arrows. As Nagi loaded his supplies into the Humvee, Takashi closed the distance to the little girl.

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