Scum [3]

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Unaware of the whereabouts of the remaining duo, Nagi realized that he had to draw them out and confront them directly. Escaping was no longer a viable option. If the two discovered that he had eliminated their comrades, they would undoubtedly pursue him relentlessly.

While their loyalty to the group seemed tenuous, driven primarily by self-preservation and personal agendas, given the apparent madness within the group, Nagi couldn't discount the possibility of their relentless pursuit.

The stark reality was evident—Nagi was armed only with a bike, while the duo possessed a formidable automobile. Escaping their pursuit was a futile endeavor, even if he entertained the thought.

The odds were stacked against him, leaving him with no feasible means of evading their grasp. It was due to this realization that Nagi took decisive action.

His legs carried him swiftly to a nearby construction site where an apartment complex was being built. The towering structure provided both cover and vantage points, making it an ideal location to confront his adversaries.

Upon arriving at the construction site, Nagi took in the skeletal structure of the halted parking garage, an eerie reminder of the interrupted progress. With calculated caution, he scanned the surroundings, his gaze sweeping for any signs of the undead or potential survivors.

The desolate silence engulfed the area, broken only by the occasional shuffle of nearby zombies.

Reaching for a short steel pole amidst the scattered debris, Nagi firmly grasped it, raising it above his head. With calculated force, he brought it crashing down onto the metal structure, unleashing a resounding metallic ring that reverberated through the eerily quiet city.

The cacophonous noise served a dual purpose—it would undoubtedly draw the attention of both the elusive duo and the lurking undead. Nagi remained composed, and confident in his ability to handle the impending situation.

Nagi's plan relied on exploiting the chaos that would ensue, utilizing his resourcefulness and adaptability to navigate the treacherous dynamics of the impending encounter.

Swiftly infiltrating the skeletal structure of the apartment complex, he positioned himself within the shroud of darkness, on the second floor, patiently awaiting the arrival of the duo.

As Nagi waited on the second floor of the dimly lit construction site, his ears keenly attuned to the distant sound of approaching footsteps. Moments later, the two men emerged from separate sides of the entrance as they stared at each other with a haggard breath.

Their figures were smeared with the gruesome remnants of their recent encounters with the undead. "Where are the other two?" the Oni man asked, gasping for breath.

"I don't know," the other replied, shaking his head as he tried to compose himself. "It's possible they're the ones causing the disturbance. They might have already captured the boy, and are now tapped here. There were thousands of 'them', wandering within the city after all."

Agreeing with a nod, the two men cautiously entered the area, scanning their surroundings in search of their missing companions. "Hey, you assholes! Quit hiding and show yourselves! It's just us, so stop being pussies!" Oni Man barked, his voice dripping with impatience.

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