Takagi Estate - Saya Takagi

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"Sorry to draw you into our little discussion," Yuriko apologized as she turned her attention to the two young men before her. Her gaze shifted from Takashi to Nagi, whom she had not seen among the group before. "Who might you be?" she inquired, addressing Nagi.

"It's alright, we don't mind," Nagi replied, offering reassurance to Yuriko. "Also, my apologies for not introducing myself earlier, Madam Takagi. My name is Nagi, and I was part of the group Saya was with. I arrived with Saeko yesterday." With a calm and composed demeanor, Nagi introduced himself.

Smiling slightly, Yuriko replied, "It's fine, Nagi. I understand that you and Saeko were tired after yesterday's events. Also, please, just call me Mrs. Takagi. You are friends of my daughter, after all."

With a gentle tone, Yuriko acknowledged the fatigue they must have felt and preferred a more familiar address. "Sorry to interrupt, but I was wondering if we are overstaying our welcome here," Nagi asked, wary about the duration of their stay and Yuriko's plans.

"Not at all," Yuriko responded. "Currently, Tokonosu is receiving electricity from the dam located in Okunaka to the north. However, securing both electricity and water is becoming increasingly challenging."

Nodding in agreement, Nagi added, "It's a logical assumption. The workers at the power plants and water works are not trained to combat the undead. Given the increasing number of zombies in the city, it's unlikely that both the electricity and water supply will last less than two months."

"Why is that?" Takashi queried, joining in on the subject. Glancing at him, Nagi answered, "It's because their families aren't there. The workers can't stay forever, consumed by worry for their families. It's only a matter of time before they prioritize their loved ones."

"However, since the electricity and water are still functioning, I can only assume it's due to the Self-Defense Force safeguarding them, correct?" Nagi turned to Yuriko, expecting her to have the answer.

"You're a sharp kid, Nagi," Yuriko complimented with a smile. "Yes, when the dead started attacking people, the commander took matters into his own hands and sent a portion of the Self-Defense Forces to protect the facilities. He's not the kind of man to wait on the Prime Minister's incompetence."

"If that's the case, then maybe they can keep things running a little longer," Takashi commented, his optimism shining through. However, the harsh reality was far from kind.

"So optimistic," Yuriko retorted with a sigh as she looked at Takashi. "As Nagi mentioned earlier, the workers also have families, and they are not at the facilities. While the Self Defense Force can prolong their stay to some extent, it is inevitable that they will have to leave eventually."

"So you plan on taking the buses and..." Takashi began, only to be interrupted by Yuriko as she anticipated his statement. "Correct. However, we will only take those who are under our responsibility, or rather, those who have the capacity to survive outside of this place."

'This answers most of my queries thus far— their plan, capabilities, and information. However...' Nagi pondered to himself as he looked at Yuriko, formulating his question.

"If you plan on taking only those who have the capacity to survive, why are you allowing the civilians outside to drain you of your resources without any contribution?"

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