Takagi Estate- Tainted Unity

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The spectacle left the onlookers both frightened and disturbed, with Takashi wearing a dark expression of shock and disbelief. Meanwhile, Saeko and Nagi remained composed as ever, while Saya winced at the sight.

The group observed the scene, each wearing a different expression until Kohta spoke up. "Katana blades aren't efficient enough..." However, before he could elaborate on his statement, Saeko interjected. "Don't make comments about things you don't fully understand, Hirano."

"But a Japanese sword's blade becomes dull when it strikes bone, and after three or four strikes, it loses its effectiveness," Kohta insisted, his voice filled with conviction.

Nagi observed the exchange, his confusion growing as he tried to comprehend Kohta's sudden claim and his unwavering stance on the matter. Saeko intervened, addressing Kohta's concern. "Listen," she began, her voice steady. "The path of the sword encompasses various aspects."

"It involves a warrior's skill, their proficiency with a sword, and most importantly, their focus. By honing these elements to a high level, one can execute multiple beheadings without compromising their combat strength," Saeko explained, her chin resting in her hand as she observed the scene below.

"But you'd get blood and grease on the sword," Kohta countered. Saeko responded with a compelling argument. "It's similar to cooking. A skilled chef would never leave unnecessary grease on a quality kitchen knife. The same principle applies to swords."

"But... but," Kohta stammered, his mind racing to make sense of the situation. Takashi reached out, attempting to calm him down, saying, "Hey, Kohta, it's okay—"

However, before Takashi could finish his sentence, Kohta slapped his hand away and turned to glare at him. "Don't butt in! You can't even fire a gun properly!" he retorted, his frustration evident in his voice.

"Kohta, you need to relax," Nagi interjected, understanding the source of Kohta's agitation. "Reacting impulsively won't lead to a resolution. Take a moment to calm down before rejoining us."

Exhaling a sigh of exasperation, Nagi couldn't help but feel frustrated by the tension that had arisen. Kohta's outburst was a result of Takashi's attempt to grab Saya by the collar, which agitated him.

It was evident that Kohta held feelings of admiration toward Saya, and this incident sparked his anger toward Takashi and the rest of the group. Without wasting any time, Takashi swiftly dashed past Nagi, accompanied by Alice, as they hastily left the room in search of Kohta.

Resting his hands behind his head, Nagi began walking towards the door, indicating his intention to leave. Saeko, filled with curiosity, asked him, "Do you plan to assist Kohta in his current situation?"

Shaking his head, Nagi responded, "No, I have no intention of doing so. Takashi is accompanied by Alice, and even if it means seeking advice from a seven-year-old girl, he will find a way. In any case, I will be returning to my room."

With his departure, Nagi quietly exited the room, closing the door behind him.


Location: Nagi's Room

Using his foot, Nagi closed the door behind him and placed the tray on the table near the balcony doors. He settled himself comfortably at the table, taking a sip of the tea from the tray while flipping through a mystery book.

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