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Arriving at the gas station, Nagi efficiently loaded his belongings into the truck and proceeded to fill the tank. Taking stock of the items that remained untouched and in good condition, he carefully packed the food into his bag.

With a swift motion, he hopped into the truck and set off, navigating the desolate city streets on his way to Onbetsu Bridge. As he drove through the city, Nagi pondered the woman's words. "Find love and people to trust, huh?"

His mind flashed to his recent group. While each member possessed their own flaws, Nagi acknowledged that they were not a bad group by any means. In fact, they were quite capable in terms of abilities and intelligence, surpassing most adults in this new world.

However, is pursuing love in this new world truly the optimal path? The matter remains subjective. Love itself is a double-edged sword.

On one side, love can bring immense joy, satisfaction, and a profound sense of belonging. It offers emotional support, companionship, and intimacy, fostering personal growth and well-being.

Yet, on the other side, love can also be accompanied by challenges and the potential for heartbreak. Relationships may involve conflicts, misunderstandings, and the need for compromises.

The vulnerability and emotional investment inherent in love can sometimes lead to pain, disappointment, or even loss. Moreover, in a world where death can strike at any moment, the collapse of one lover can potentially leave the other shattered, unable to function.

Letting out a sigh of annoyance, Nagi muttered to himself, "I'll consider it another time. In a world like this, anything is possible. If it happens, it happens. Dwelling on such matters at this moment won't serve any purpose."

Spotting a nearby General Merchandise store, Nagi considered making a pit stop. It was an opportunity to freshen up, change his clothes, and tend to his injuries. Parking the truck, Nagi switched off the engine and exited the vehicle.

With his knife in hand, he pushed open the door to the General Merchandise store and entered. The store was surprisingly spacious, devoid of any immediate signs of undead presence. However, the absence of danger could be deceptive, given the sight of bloodstains and the flickering on-and-off lights.

Nagi proceeded with utmost caution, methodically scanning the store's aisles for appropriate clothing and cleaning supplies to tend to his hygiene. Once he found what he needed, he made his way to a secluded area where he had a clear view of his surroundings.

Carefully, he began the task of wiping away the blood from his body and tending to his wounds using available bandages. Although his patchwork needed some improvement, he planned to have Shizuka help him with that later.

Nagi changed into a set of clean clothes he had found at the store—a simple black-colored t-shirt and a pair of sturdy jeans. He also managed to locate a rather stylish and sturdy leather jacket that offered some protection against the biting winds that often swept through the desolate streets.

Completing his attire, Nagi secured his feet with a pair of sturdy, lightweight boots that allowed for swift movement and agility. To provide some protection, he fashioned makeshift forearm guards using strips of leather from discarded shoes, belts, and durable twine.

Continuing his search, Nagi found leather garters that would serve as reliable sheaths for his blades and any other small weapons he might acquire in the future. With his preparations complete, he stepped out of the store and unwrapped a lollipop.

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