Cold Realities

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Taking a silent, deep breath, Nagi expelled all the tension from his body, visibly relaxing and returning to his usual demeanor. 'There's no point in getting worked up over something I can't control,' Nagi reminded himself, maintaining his characteristic stoicism as he walked into the kitchen.

"Why are you and the others dressed so poorly?" Nagi asked, his confusion evident. There shouldn't be a reason for such a thing, considering there were plenty of female clothing options within the household.

Taking hold of her apron, Saeko responded, "Oh, this? There wasn't any clothing that fit me. I'll only be wearing this until the laundry finishes. It's truly shameful. I apologize."

Shaking his head, Nagi commented, "It's alright. I was just curious, though you seem to be much more sober than the others right now. I was going to check this floor to make sure 'they' haven't gotten in, but with you being here, it shouldn't be much of a problem."

"Fufufu~ Is that supposed to be a compliment, Nagi?" Saeko asked, amused. "I'll let you interpret it as you'd like," Nagi simply replied, placing the alcohol and bandages from his bag onto the table.

Sitting down, he gestured towards them and asked, "Do you mind helping me with this? Shizuka was supposed to, but she's asleep."

Saeko chuckled softly as she walked over to join Nagi at the table, wiping her hands with a cloth. "Of course, I'd be happy to help," she replied, her eyes glancing over the items he had placed on the table.

"Alcohol and bandages, huh? It seems your injuries are more serious than we initially thought," she commented. Despite her lack of overt worry or concern, her eyes betrayed a different story. However, a hint of curiosity lingered within her gaze.

Shaking his head, Nagi reassured, "It's nothing major. Just a few cuts and bruises. However, I do need you to clean and re-bandage them properly since I couldn't do it well without a mirror."

"Yeah, I can see that," Saeko chuckled, retrieving a clean cloth from a nearby drawer. "It makes me wonder what exactly happens to you during your time in the city. You know, you never answered Saya's question on the bridge. Did you intentionally avoid it?"

"Who knows?" Nagi simply replied, observing Saeko's approach.

"Come on, Nagi. Do me a favor and indulge me, won't you? After all, I'm doing you a favor," Saeko bargained, her hands carefully unraveling and removing Nagi's bandages.

Nagi remained silent for a moment, his sharp orange eyes locked with Saeko's cool blue gaze. They stared at each other, the intensity of their gaze lingering in the air, until Saeko broke into a small smile.

Exhaling softly, Nagi nodded. "Go ahead and ask me any question. Although I'm not particularly skilled at answering them, I will do my best to provide a response," he stated in his usual monotone voice.

Saeko's smile widened as she appreciated Nagi's willingness to open up, even if just a little. She dipped the cloth into the alcohol, soaking it lightly before gently dabbing it over Nagi's wounds. He winced slightly but remained composed.

Saeko began with a calm and inquisitive tone. "So, tell me, what exactly occurred when you were in the city? I expect an honest answer. As Saya pointed out, these bruises indicate that you were injured, likely from a fight."

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