chapter 3 : The west side

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                       Friendship feels like home



Waking up at 6 am proved to be very difficult for Justin for he was not a morning person . He slept more than 7 hours a day and always changed his diet every week . He was used to waking up 30 minutes later than the usual time so when his alarm shrieked with purpose , he smacked the artificial thing with vengeance .

He didn't want to wake up , it was too early for him . He could feel the warm morning rays kissing his face as he blinked the sleep away . The sun was already peeking through the window and illuminating the walls with golden hues . Nothing but slumber seemed like the only thing beautiful for Justin though . The Hawk heir just wanted to sleep !

He was about to snooze for another 5 minutes but his mother's disapproving face flashed in his tired mind . He felt like his mother was haunting him . She probably knows  he thought dejectedly .

How he wished he was from a different family where he'd be free in his own skin and comfortable enough to walk around in boxers but who was he kidding ? He didn't have a death wish . His mother would never allow that in her house . He didn't want to die before experiencing his first kiss and maybe his first sexual healing . He needed all the healing the world could offer .

His lack of experience in the latter made flush a bright crimson . Is it pleasurable or do the people exaggerate ? Of course , he has watched tons of porn in his life , played porn video games and he still has some porn gifs in his gallery . He was a teenager for Pete's sake , it was only normal . Every once in a while he would watch some of his gifs and wonder how it would feel to have sex . Would it hurt , itch or bleed? Masturbating was a different story , it didn't pleasure him like he'd hoped . But that was the last of his worry , he still had to face the day and it was looking too bright outside .

"Might as well get up" he muttered to himself as he groggily got up from his bed , cursing under his breath .

He went to his nightstand to retrieve his useless phone and played some calming music to relax his nervous . Music seemed like the only option he had for relaxation . He didn't listen to it often because he didn't see what the hype was about . Sure , the music was therapeutic and relatable but someone's pain was different from his own .

He couldn't empathize with someone's music on a deeper level because circumstances always differed . But he respected those who put their feelings on paper , it was really admirable to him in a way . The thought made him smile as he stretched out his stiff limbs . Maybe he should jot something down before school . That would never happen though .

He made his way to his bathroom to freshen up for his first day of school at Westville , such a dreadful name . He wondered if it was a prison school for rebels but thought against it . No matter how many times he messes up his parents wouldn't torture him that much , well at least not his dad . His mother is a different case though , she's a rough one so she might even torture him with her own bare hands .

His very first goal was to make sure he doesn't step on anyone's toes today because he did that a lot , due to his clumsiness . He couldn't use his name as a weapon anymore , no one in Westville knew what he was capable of or who he was . His name meant nothing to them , just like it meant nothing to him . So much for new beginnings .

After finishing off he went out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his waist and the other one drying his damp hair . His parents were probably getting ready for work too , they had to leave at 7 which meant he had to drive himself to school . He still doesn't understand why his mother insisted that he should wake up at 6 when he will be leaving the house at 7:30 . It was truly absurd .

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