Chapter 4 : The westies

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               Plant seeds in your heart



It was lunch break and Justin was walking to the cafeteria with Elle beside him . He listened to her ramble about a new pizza place she wanted to try out . He couldn't focus on what she was saying as he tried not to bump into someone .

The hallways were packed with students making their way to the cafeteria and others blocking the way so they could converse with their friends . This school was so much like his old one but more tolerable to say the least . If he could describe his old school with one word , it'd be unwelcoming . This one was different , everyone was minding their own business .

No one was bothering him just yet . To them , he was just some hot new guy and nothing else . They didn't know anything about him or his family and he wanted to keep it that way . No more seeking for unwanted attention .

He didn't realise that he had zoned out again only to see that they were already at the cafeteria which was lively due to loud chattering . Students were talking over each and his attention  was particularly looking at a group of boys whom were playing spin the spoon?  Shouldn't they scoop their food with that ?

" What will you be having Justin ? Maybe I could pay ? " Elle said to him , touching his shoulder to gain his attention . Her eyes searching for his . " Let's make it my treat since you're new and all , I could buy you a Pizza or do you want something else ? "

" No it's fine Elle , I'll pay for it myself . Uh , where do you usually sit ? " He asked timidly .

He was well aware that Elle must have had friends of her own and wanted to ditch him here . Even though she didn't say it with her mouth , she was probably bored of him already .

He wasn't easy to deal with and he certainly sucked at making a conversation . He was always alone so he never bothered with anything , not even making friends . She must be itching to tell him off and before she could reply to his previous question , he quickly added ;

" Could I sit with you and yours friends ? I don't want to sit alone ... "

" Oh yeah ! You're more than welcome to sit with us , my friends are really nice but sometimes they could be too much to handle , but don't worry . They'll like you because I like you ! " she answered , throwing a million dollar smile his way . He wanted to express how grateful he was but only smiled back , flashing his perfect white teeth cutely .

After paying for their lunch , Elle led him to a table at the far corner of the cafeteria where two boys were sitting . He looked down at his food , afraid to make eye contact as one of them stared at the approaching figures .

He had a confused look on his face as his brown eyes darted from Elle to him . Justin didn't need to see him up close to fully tell that this guy was handsome , with his messy brunette hair and sharp features . He could pass by as a model . One could tell that he was tall too , taller than Justin .

He was towering over the boy opposite him with his large frame . Justin found himself gulping as the said guy caught him staring . Staring is rude Justin , his mother always warned him so he looked down on his food again .

" Hey losers , missed me ? " Elle greeted them when they arrived at the table .

The shorter guy didn't even look up from his phone and Justin couldn't see his face clearly . The only thing he saw was his neatly trimmed black hair and perfect nose . Why is everyone so hot in this damn school he wondered . Literally every corner he turned , there was a godly looking person , could it be a curse ? 

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