Chapter 28 : Rules

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" I never thought I'd say this but you look good ." Connor said when they stepped out of the car , he was leaning down towards Justin's shorter height .

Justin gave him an eye roll before smirking lightly . It felt good to be complimented by his vampire friend , all they ever did was bicker and breathe down each other's throats . He felt like they were finally seeing eye to eye . Maybe Connor was finally warming up to him . It's the start if something great , he thought .

" It's never too late to confess your feelings for me you know ..." Justin sassed .

" No one is confessing shit !" Tip yelled from behind them .

He was walking next to Elle , who had been quiet the entire ride to the party . Her eyes were distant and Tip wondered if she was bothered by something . He was waiting on her to confide in him and it seemed like she was taking her own precious time .

He wasn't sure if the others had noticed but he couldn't put it pass him . It important for him to know if she was alright or not .

" Man , why are so uptight ? " he heard Connor's voice . He shook his head before facing his gloomy best friend .

" Elle is there something you'd like to tell me?" Tip said after a while of contemplation .

" Nope , I'd rather not talk about it ."

" I don't like the sound of that ... just tell me what the hell is bothering you and maybe we'll figure something out together ."

" Everything is just beyond me , I don't think we can solve anything here . It's just-- nothing makes sense Tip . My life is a puzzle and I'm tired of putting the wrong pieces in places they don't belong . I might as well just give up on trying to find answers ."

" What do you mean by that ?"

" what I mean is that my life doesn't make sense , some pieces are fucking missing !"

" I don't understand , what's going on ?"

" Are you guys coming or what ?"

The two friends heard Justin's voice from a distance . They had stopped walking during their small talk without realising it . Elle didn't say anything but continued walking ahead of the baffled boy .

Tip watched her walking with sad eyes before following behind . When he reached her side again , he looked at her side profile with a thoughtful look . She's so secretive lately , he thought .

" Do you still wanna go to that party ? We could always go back . I'll just tell them that something came up ." Tip asked .

"Are you kidding ? Of course I wanna drink my troubles away ." Elle answered sarcastically .

" No seriously , what's up with you ?"

Elle looked at Tip for the first time since they left Justin's mansion . Her eyes were glossy from her tears threatening to fall out of her lacrimal glands . Her emotions were overwhelming her a the point that she almost dropped to her knees . It was hard keeping them at bay when all she could feel was pain
Everything felt like it was weighing her down and Elle was slowly breaking apart . She was about to say something but someone beat her to it .

" Guys , what's fucking taking so long ?" Connor called out .

" Let's just go , we'll talk about this later ." Tip said dejectedly .


Justin was standing with Tip in a dark corner as the party progressed into drunk makeouts and sloppy dancing . They were watching as the crowd danced the night away , not caring about anything and everyone . Justin's green eyes were on the dance floor looking at one boy in particular . Lucian .

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