Chapter 9 : Touch

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                                 You make me crazy



Later in the evening , Elle was sitting crossed legged by the beach , her curly hair swaying with the winds direction . She looked beautiful , the light softening her features . She had been sitting in the same position for nearly an hour . The night chilly but she didn't care . Her toes were buried in the cold sand and she loved the sensational coldness biting at her flesh . She watched as the dark waves carried on with their business , the world was carrying on with life . She listened as everything around her moved , accompanied by the whispers of the wind . Hers felt like it was stuck in one place with no movement , not even a little bit . As she stared ahead , she felt envy in her heart that the waves were moving happily but she wasn't . That everything around her was carrying on when she couldn't . It was always the same feeling , always the same pain .

She knew something was missing from her life but couldn't understand what it was . She couldn't be happy even if she wanted to . A part of her was gone and she didn't know how to get it back . Perhaps it died on the day she lost her mother or the day she found out she was different from kids her age . Perhaps it was still inside and she just had to unleash it . Maybe I don't deserve happiness .

As she continued to watch the waves with longing , something was tugging at her heart . The water was moving faster now , whirling . It felt like the ocean was trying to tell her something . Maybe she was crazy to think that the ocean wanted to communicate but she could feel it . Her body was tingling and she knew she was right . The chasm in the ocean was getting closer to her but she couldn't find it in her bones to be scared . She was anticipating whatever the ocean had to give her . The ocean was like her heart , deep yet infinite . But what was her heart trying to tell her ? Whilst in the middle of her thoughts , the ocean went back to normal .

She cupped a handful of sand and brought it closer to her lips and whispered softly ;

" Please tell me what you are trying to say , show it to me so I can understand. " she threw the sand back into the ocean and waited for some sort of reply , anything would good enough for her. 

" Perhaps you weren't clear enough ." someone said from behind her . Her heart jumped at the sound of that voice . It was the only voice that could make her feel certain ways . " Why don't you try again , but this time maybe more louder ?" Beau said , making his way to the flustered girl .

He took a seat next to her , making sure to not make contact with her legs as he spread out his long ones . He turned his direction to her and saw how the moonlight was making her dark skin appear more witching , how her brown eyes turned shades lighter than her normal dark ones . Sitting closely to her , Beau was able to identify every beautiful feature on her face . She wasn't looking at him , her eyes were on the waves ahead .

" Penny for your thoughts ?" he softly nudged her with his shoulder to gain her attention .

She looked at him for the first time that night and Beau saw sadness in her eyes . She wasn't the same person he saw at school , she looked drained . Something inside him shifted as he looked at the sad expression on her face .

" It doesn't matter , even if I do tell you , you wouldn't help me . No one can help me so I'd rather keep it to myself ." she answered his question without missing a beat .

" I understand . I wouldn't force you to tell me if you're not comfortable with me . But it does help to talk to someone ." he said . " That person shouldn't be me , you have other friends don't you ?"

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