Chapter 20 : Wrath

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" what do you want Andrew ." Tip asked with a bored expression . There goes my tranquility he thought .

He was currently in the library waiting for the first class to come to an end . His table was packed with old dusty books , ones that he deemed necessary to read . He had been reading in silence and going through every book with focused eyes . His mind formulating images as the words registered in his brain .

It has been weeks now and he had successfully avoided Andrew and his goons . But knowing the vampire's persistent nature he just gave up on trying . In the end , Andrew would always find him no matter what . So Tip just waited for the inevitable . And it seemed like he didn't have to wait that long .

Andrew had graced him with his powerful presence . Tip could literally see the shelves quivering in fear as the tall vampire passed by . That's how dominant he was and Tip found himself rolling his dull eyes . Fucking show off .

" I'm here to see you . You've been avoiding me lately and I want to know why . I know you've never liked me to begin with but you always stood up to me but now ... it seems to me that you're running away from your problems ." Andrew answered smoothly , his sharp eyes staring at the shorter boy . He was standing a few feet away from Tip's table .

" That's funny for you to say . While we're on the subject of running away , let's talk about how you disappeared for a week after the stunt you pulled that night . You're so lucky that Justin is such an amazing person or else we would've been in big trouble . All because you can't use your fucking brain . What do you have to say for yourself huh ?"

" So you were worried about me ? That's new ." Andrew said amusedly , his face broke into a charming smile .

" Keep dreaming you fucking psychopath ! "

" So you and Justin huh ? He seems like a really nice person , sadly for me because he hates me ."

" Do you blame him and how the hell do you even manage to make everyone hate you so much ? "

" Do you hate me Tip ?"

" Of course I hate your bloodsucking ass ."

" Oh really , kiss me and I'll believe you ." Andrew answered smugly .

" Don't fucking patronise me , go drown yourself in blood or something . I'm not kissing your fanged mouth ."

" Are you sure about that ?"

Andrew laughed at Tip's angry face and plopped down on a chair . He crossed his leg over the other before folding his arms and leaning back on the chair . Tip was watching his every move with narrowed eyes .

" What wrong ? You can't handle my handsomeness ?" Andrew joked .

" No , I just want you to leave Andrew , I'm in the middle of something here and I need my space ."

" You can finish whatever you're doing while I'm here ... I promise I won't make a sound ."

" Like the last time you jerked off ? Or the that time you stripped naked claiming it was too hot ? Yeah right ... "

" You still remember that ? I thought we said to never mention that again ."

" Well I still have nightmares so how can I forget it ? Whatever you think you're doing is not going to work , I'm not interested in being your boy toy or something . Go and harass someone who's interested . " Tip said without looking up from his book .

" Justin seemed interested enough ." Andrew said , succeeding in getting Tip's undivided attention .

" What are you talking about ?" Tip inquired lowly , already preparing on strangling him .

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