Chapter 24 : Waves

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It was a cold night and Elle was wearing a long brown jacket , black boots and a hat . She was on her way towards the beach again to clear her mind from everything that was happening . Her mind was bubbling with unsaid words as she strolled the roads with her head down .

It was a stressful week and her problems were only expanding day by day . She was dealing with a lot of things in the same time span . The sad thing was that she couldn't do anything about it . All she had to do was watch as things unravel without having to interfere . Maybe no one would get hurt in the process .

She could feel that there was something dark and grim that was about to happen , something destructive but she didn't have all the answers . Tip had mentioned that he was in the middle of an investigation on whatever was happening around them . Elle trusted him to deliver before it was too late .

Elle sighed as her head began to ache from all the thinking and fastened her pace . It was getting colder by each step she took . She hugged herself , her teeth clattering before running her way through the empty streets .

Something unknown was drawing her towards the ocean , she could hear and feel the waves dancing on her dark skin like ballerinas luring her in . She could hear the susurration coming from somewhere in the beach area and it made her toes curl in anticipation . Elle was convinced that the waves were talking to her .

The thought had been plaguing her mind since that other day when Beau suddenly made an appearance . The boy had came out of nowhere and Elle was wondering if he was the reason that she was hearing things . Maybe he was the reason she was portraying the ocean with human qualities . Beau was a Warlock for Pete's sake , he had the ability to manipulate anything including sea life . He's playing mind games with me .

" Excuse me miss , do you perhaps know where I can find Georgia's diner ? I'm supposed to be meeting my half sister and I'm lost . I really need your help ." a very small voice said .

Elle turned her head to the side to look at the little girl in red . She had long white hair , blue eyes and a cute round face . The cold air was biting at her plumpy face , creating rosiness to her cheeks . The girl was so tiny that Elle couldn't help but feel sorry for her . But where did she come from ?

" What are you doing at time of the night ? It's really not safe to be walking around without a guardian ."

" My brother and I got separated and now I need to find my way to Georgia's ... Please will you help me ?"

" I can't ..." Elle said gravely before looking at the little girl with saddened eyes . " I have to be somewhere , Georgia's is really far , it's like thirty minutes away . Why don't you go back to where you came from , maybe you'll find your brother by chance . "

" But if you don't help , something bad might happen to me ."

Elle frowned upon the statement . The girl was telling the truth but why did it feel like she was being tricked into doing something . Elle did not like the sound of that . She looked down again , her eyes searching for something behind the girl's sweet expression . She found nothing and released a short breath .

" What's your name ?" Elle asked instead .

" My name's Alcina ."

" That's a beautiful name . " Elle said with a soft smile . " But I'm really sorry Alcina , I can't help you . "

The little girl's smile dropped from her face . Her blue eyes narrowed while she tilted her head on the side . She suddenly switched moods in a blink of an eye .

Elle watched with pinched brows when the girl's smile returned , but more sinister than the previous one . Her blue whirled in a hypnotizing manner before being replaced by a scorching red color . The girl's bunny teeth were gone as her smile grew wider , reaching her temples . She was spotting dark veins on the whites of her serpent eyes . What stood in front of her was demonic and Elle could feel the goosebumps on her skin .

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