Chapter 22 : Cheating

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Ring Ring Ring

Justin peered at his phone before rolling his eyes . The person over the other end has been calling him for hours now and he was purposely ignoring his phone for valid reason . He just did not feel the need to talk to that person right now .

" Aren't you gonna answer that ?" Tip asked , not looking at Justin as they both turned their attention back on the television .

" No , it's not important ." Justin answered shortly .

" What do you mean it's not important , whoever's calling you must desperately want to talk to you . So tell me , who's calling then ?"

" It's no one ... can we stop talking about this and watch the damn movie ?"

" What are you you hiding Justin ...?" Tip asked suspiciously .

" I'm not hiding anything ."


Tip moved his eyes so that they were staring at his boyfriend and frowned deeply . Justin  was acting weirdly towards him all of a sudden . His boyfriend didn't acknowledge him since they left the school building . It felt like they were strangers instead of boyfriends . Doesn't he want to be my boyfriend anymore ?

Tip decided that he was done enduring the silent treatment and grabbed the remote from the small table in the middle of the living room . He hardened his face before switching the damn thing off . He hated the feeling of being ignored by Justin especially now that they were boyfriends .

Justin gasped when his boyfriend switched the television off , not expecting that Tip would interfere with his moment . He was about to grab the remote back but Tip quickly shot up to his feet and ran up the stairs . Justin watched him with narrowed eyes before reluctantly standing up as well and following the boy behind . Who the fuck even does that ?

He went straight inside Tip's room , not bothering to close the door behind him and stood by the edge of the small bed . Tip was standing by the window with his arms folded across his chest . Justin could tell that he was upset from the way the boy was gritting his teeth .

" What's going on with you Justin ? " Tip didn't waste any time as he turned to his boyfriend ."I thought you liked me ."


" But clearly you don't ..." he boy added gravely .

" What makes you say that Tip ?"

" You're fucking treating me like I'm not your boyfriend Justin . You won't even look at me and you refuse to tell me what's bothering you . What am I suppose to think huh ?!"

Justin pinched his brows in a confused manner . He was genuinely at a loss for words as he stared at Tip's red face . What was he doing wrong then ?

" I-- I don't know what to say honestly . "

" Why are you so cold to me ? Did I perhaps do or say something you didn't like or are you still bothered about what happened earlier ?"

" I told you , I don't remember anything that happened earlier ." Justin answered .

" Are you being honest with me right now ? I'm getting the sense that you're lying Justin ."

" You don't trust me ?"

" Should I ?"

Justin sighed as he slumped on the bed and motioned for the other to join him . Tip did so without question , sitting at a distance from his boyfriend . Justin stared at the space between them and pursed his lips thoughtfully . Might as well tell the truth before I lose him , he thought .

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