Chapter 10 : Not ready

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                              I want it so bad



Tip was laying on his bed watching videos online when he suddenly heard a knock on his door .  He was hesitant but stood up from his bed and made his way downstairs . When he opened his door to reveal a disheveled looking Justin , who was looking at him expectedly .

He raised a questioning brow but stepped aside to let the boy enter his safe haven . Justin was shaking , his bottom lip trapped behind his teeth as he stepped inside . He looked like he was about to have a seizure and Tip didn't know what to do in a situation like this . He softly closed his door and locked it for precaution because who knew , a certain someone might pop up uninvited .

He turned around to find the boy sitting on his couch , swaying back and forth . Tip didn't want to intrude but he was starting to worry about Justin . Something happened to the boy , he could see the fresh bruises plastered on his fair skin . Maybe he was robbed .

" Alright , you're gonna have to tell me what happened . " Tip finally said hoping that Justin would look up at him . He made his was over to him and sat next to the hyperventilating boy , careful not to scare him away . Tip gently touched his shoulder to console him but Justin wasn't responsive . His body didn't react to the soft touch like it should .

" Talk to me Justin , what happened ..." he tried again but still to no avail . Justin was still crying and shaking uncontrollably . So Tip leaned over to hug him and that's when Justin decide to respond by hugging him back . He couldn't help but smile at the boy's cute behavior . He's cuddly too .

After minutes have passed and Justin was still in Tips arms , he decided to speak . He cleared his itchy throat before looking up at the beautiful boy .

" I don't ... I don't really want to talk about it . I just want to forget ." Justin said honestly . He couldn't tell him what happened today , he was afraid that Tip wouldn't believe him . No one would believe what he saw .

Supernaturals we not real , they were only imaginative . What if he had imagined it and was still high on the kiss Tip had given him earlier . That was probably why he thought he saw what he did , none of that was real . It couldn't be .

" Okay , I understand ... Let's get you cleaned up then . You can't just sit here soaking wet and your covered in bruises too . " Tip said , standing up from the couch while helping the other boy up too .

Justin winced when the pain radiated from his lower back , shooting down to his left foot . His body ached and he bit back a whimper . He didn't want to cry in front of the Asian boy , afraid that he might laugh at him . So he endured everything as he stood up with the help of the other .

" Will you be able to climb the stares ? Do you want me to carry you ? "  Tip offered .

" No it's fine , I'll manage ." he answered . He limped his way to the staircase holding on to the balustrade , he stepped on the first stare but the pain on his foot made him lose his balance . He hissed at the stinging sensation on his lower back , the pain making his legs weak . He was about to fall backwards but Tip was there to catch him before he hit the ground .

" Careful , you might hurt yourself . Let me help you ." The boy said to before carrying a red-faced Justin in bridal style , up the stairs to his bathroom .

He open the door by kicking it with his foot and stepped inside . Justin was quietly looking at him as if he was the only thing that mattered . He was blinking up at him , his green eyes searching Tip's dull one . He couldn't help his lip from twitching in amusement as Justin continued to watch him . He then placed him on the empty bathtub before rummaging through his cabinets to find a first aid kit .

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