Chapter 25 : Friends

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" Can you remember her face ?"

They were all sitting inside the library , it was only them in the dusty place . No one dared to enter the lame zone and they appreciated the privacy .

" I can't believe you almost died ." Connor said .

Elle was in the middle of explaining what happened the other night and they listened attentively . Justin was listening with wide eyes as he chewed slowly on his sandwich .

Tip on the other hand was taking in everything Elle was saying , making pointers in his head . He needed all the information he could get ahold of sooner . He was trying to get all the facts so that he can get to the bottom of their current predicament . He let his eyes wander to where his other friend was sitting .

Connor was looking at Elle indifferently , like he'd expected something like that to happen which formed a question mark on top of Tip's head . He was sitting with his leg over the other , his upper body leaning against his chair in a graceful manner . His cool demeanor was baffling considering that something evil was making its peek .

"Yes , she was very tiny you know with white hair , blue eyes and she was wearing a red dress ." Elle answered , directing her attention back to her best friend . " I've never seen her before in my life . She did mention that she had a brother and a half sister . "

"Could she be an elf perhaps ?" Tip said thoughtfully .

" No I don't think so , elves have pointy ears right ? "

" Uh yeah ?" Tip answered uncertainly . " How am I supposed to know that ?! I'm not a fucking elf !"

" Calm down , what's crawled in your pants ?" Connor rolled his eyes .

No one noticed the sly smirk on Justin's face as he tried to hide it with his sandwich . He very nearly said something inappropriate in front of all his friends but stopped himself . He couldn't embarrass Tip like that . He decided to think of something else other than his boyfriend's pants . But I love his pants .

" So the little girl had white hair ?" Justin inquired before whispering to himself . "Whoa that's cool ."

" Yep , the girl had paper white hair . Why are you so surprised ?" Elle raised her perfect trimmed eyebrow , looking at Justin like he was crazy .

" Maybe it's because he's never seen a real person with white hair ." Connor interjected .

" Of course I have ! " Justin defended himself all the while throwing his sandwich on the floor .

Connor jumped up from his seat in a swift motion and before anyone knew it , he had Justin on a chokehold with the bread on his other hand . Justin gasped when something hard made contact with his throat , he tried to claw the muscular arm but Connor's grip tightened . The taller boy was laughing as Justin struggled to breathe .

Elle and Tip were watching silently as the two boys bumped into books shelves , making the books fall like waterfalls on the ground . The library became a scattered mess of books and papers .

Tip's eye twitched when he saw how close they were . Connor's groin area was rubbing against Justin's lower back . The shorter boy was trying to free himself from Connor , moving his lower body in the process . Tip saw the innocent gesture as seduction and it made his blood boil . That's his sweet spot , Tip fumed .

He quickly ran to where the boy's were pushing each other against the walls and kicked Connor in his gut . The vampire groaned before releasing a disheveled looking Justin who was panting like he'd been running a marathon . The green eyed boy looked at his furious boyfriend before licking his dry lips .

Elle rolled her eyes and folded her arms over her bosom . She wasn't in the mood to entertain them so she kept her words to herself . She watched as Justin jumped like a maniac and latched himself onto the vampire before biting the taller boy on his collar bone .

Connor's dark eyes widen before grabbed ahold of the boy's brown hair to yank him off but he didn't budge . Connor rolled his eyes as Justin nibbled on his flesh . It felt like he was being bitten by a rat .

" Get the fuck off me ! " Connor yelled when he was tired of Justin's antics .

" You started it so shut up and endure the pain ." Justin spoke before biting the boy again .

" Okay , can you guys quit acting like 5 year olds and fucking grow up ! " Elle yelled from her chair .

Justin let go of the boy's neck and dropped to the floor . Connor watched him before leaving him and his boyfriend to stare at each other . Justin scratched his head nervously when he saw the deadly glare that was thrown his way . Tip had narrowed eyes and his lips were in a thin line .

" Uh , I'm sorry you had to see that side of me ." Justin broke the silence .

" Why were you moving like that ?"

" What do you mean ?"

Tip shook his head and left the boy with a confused face . He was wondering what had he done wrong . He couldn't understanding the question itself, when did Justin move? And why was Tip upset about it ?

" Justin fix yourself and come sit down ." Elle said .

He complied and sat next to his boyfriend who was refusing to look at him . Justin frowned at the boy's odd behavior . Was Tip mad because he bit Connor ?

" Hey , did I so something wrong ?" Justin whispered .

" No ."

" Why are you so upset then ."

" I'm not ."

" Really now ? Why are you acting like this ? "

" I don't know ."

" Okay fine , be like that !"

Elle was watching them as they exchanged whispers . She could tell that Tip was upset from having witnessed someone touching Justin in an intimate way . But he had no right to be behaving like a child over something so small .

" Tip , I think you're being very unfair right now . Justin did nothing wrong , if you want to be mad , be mad at Connor . He started it ."

" And here I thought you were on my side Elle !"

" But I'm telling the truth , you're the one who got physical all of a sudden ! "

" I was only defending myself !"

" Lies , you just wanted to get back at me for almost killing you with garlic ." Justin added .

" You did what ?!" Elle and Tip yelled in unison .

Justin stared at them awkwardly , he didn't know how to defend himself this time . He looked over at Connor's smirking face before scratching his his head .

" It was just a stupid prank , I didn't go through with it though ..."

" Yeah because I ran away ."

Elle pinched her bridge frustratedly . No matter how many times she came in between their fights , it always carried on . It was like they were trying to kill each other .

" Okay guys let's just focus on the important stuff , no more fighting please." Elle said after a while .

The three boys nodded their heads and focused their attention on the her . When she was about to speak , something caught her eye . She saw an invincible figure walking inside and she signalled with her head .

" Chucky's here ." she mouthed .

Justin froze when he registered her words in his head . The ghost was with them and everyone was so calm about it . No one was freaking out like he was , they all read their books silently . Justin was shaking in his seat at the possibilities of being eaten alive . He knew he was being ridiculous but this was The West Side , anything was possible .

" Uh guys , can I ask som--"

" No ." they said simultaneously and Justin swallowed his next words .

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