Blah blah blah

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*Its been so long I know but I told you guys that I had writers block no one  help me. Oh well. Anyways here you go. Comment and vote. Fiddlestickssssssss!*

Asha. I had to remember that name. I needed to talk to Clide because the days were going by and his pack was due soon. I ran my hands through my hair and sighed. Im going to knock this time before walking in. I began my walk to Reed’s house once again. I didn’t have to knock because Clide was chatting with one of the pack members outside of Reeds office.

“Yo Clide let me talk to you,” I said interrupting. I wanted to get this over with and get back to my mate. I was beginning to miss her already. Clide seemed startled at first but then quickly masked it with a smile.

“Sure thing Alpha,” Clide said waving at the other member. He gave me a nod and walked away.

“Macclain told me that you talked to one of your previous pack member….Asha?” I said more like a question. Clide nods his head.

“Yeah. She said that they were alost done packing for the big move. She also said that the former Alpha is doing better but she doesnt think that he should be Alpha again," Clide says to me. I almost growled at hm. No one would ever be Alpha or Luna besides me and Kaiya and our future kids.

"I need a way to contact the person in charge at you old pack," I tell him. Clide nods.

"It use to be my sister but now its Asha. I'll give you Asha's number," Clide said. I had a cellphone but only used it to talk to my parents. I mean why would I need to use it when I could you mindlink?

"Later," I said to Clide and walked away. My phone began to ring then and I looked at the caller i.d. Speaking of my parents my mother was calling. I groan and press send.

"Hello," I answered.

"Hi honey!" My mom says on the other line. I rolled my eyes. "I havent heard from you in a while," She adds.

"We talk like almost everyday," I say annoyed.

"Well anyways what are you doing honey," she asked. I smiled over the phone.

"Some Alpha stuff," I tell her. I didnt want to tell her that it was problems here. I didnt want her to worry.

"Oh yeah. You did say that you were like some boss or something over there. Listen honey should really come back-

"Hey mom I have to go. Duty calls," I said cutting her off. i didnt want to hear her going on about me coming back home.

"Okay. Love you Baby," She say.

"Love you too," I respond. I disconnected the line and smile. Maybe I should visit. Acouple of kids ran infront of me then and I frowned. I needed to be strong but you just couldnt get over the death of someone who you care about. Marcy should have been one of those children running. I gripped my phone in my hand in anger. My mind was racing and I would have broken my phone to peices if someone didnt call my name.

"Alpha!" Antonio called me. I turned and watched him jog up to me.

"Whats good?" I asked sounding like Kaiya. I chuckled because I was starting to use more slang then I did at home. But I was talking more proper as well. Kaiya was mix of proper and slang. It was quite funny if you think about it. I started to miss her.

"It seemed as if our bank accounts were looked through,"Antonio said. I furrowed my brows.

"How would you know this?" I asked raising a brow.

"Your beta told me to tell one of the Alphas," He said no meeting my eyes but not looking as scared as the others either. I didnt understand why Kaiya didnt make him third in command? I mean Reed has her mate which makes him another beta. I would talk to her about it later on.

"Okay. Thanks," I said jogging to Reeds house. I knocked on the door.

"Come in!" I heard her yell with my sensative hearing. I opened the door and walked to her office. Her door was ajar and I walked in.

"Great. Antonio is useful after all," Reed said sarcastically. She was looking through a pile of paper and didnt say anything.

 "Reed what is this about our accounts got looked over?" I asked. Reed looks up from her shuffling.

"Its weird. Kaiya would have told me if she was looking over our accounts. I mean they didnt take anything they just checked the amounts. I dont know who would have the authority to make out banker give them this imformation. And the banker states that they dont remember who it is," Reed says looking tired. I sighed and pinch the bridge of my nose.

"What the hell is going on? All these accidents keep happening and no one seems to remember what happened," I said frustrated. Reed shakes her head and place her forehead on her desk.

"Fuck this shit. Ive never been this stress about the pack in my life. You bring bad luck King," Reed says. She didnt know that at that second I felt that way. I felt as if I brought misfortune to my pack.

"Later Reed," I said leaving. The sky was dark when I stepped out and I miss my mate. I walked home and was greeted with the smell of dinner. My mate decided to cook. I smiled. I was going to reward her tonight.

*Finish my black little roses sorry its been like forever*

Bite me not (completed) Book One of Twin Soul seriesWhere stories live. Discover now