Come and get it if you have the balls

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*Dedicated to MattSmith94 because I think hes awesome for following me even though it was a while ago. Anyways I so think his picture is sexy so yeah check him out lol*

Felicia dodged my attack and jumped out of the window crashing through the glass and running off at full speed. I didn't chase her because i had to talk to my mother before i handled the situation. i snapped my head at her direction.

"Is what she said was true?" i asked her. She whimpered and bite her lip. I grew angry and snatched her up yanking the iv needle from her forearm. She winced at the pain and stared at me with fear. i hate seeing that look on her face but her answer right now was the beginning of a war between me and my sister. "Is what she said was true?" I asked again. She took a deep breath and I felt her body loose all its energy.

"Yes," My mother whispered. i Let her go and stared at her in shock. it was one thing listening to Felicia but it was another hearing my mother say it was all true.

"So you lied to me?" i asked her.

"I just didn't want you to hate me and blame me for your fathers death," my mother said through sobs. i Stared at her.

"You know you taught me that lying was for cowards and mother.....your the definition of a coward," I spat storming out of the hospital room. Tears leaked from my yes as I ran back to the pack. i cursed at myself because i could have handled that matter later but instead i let Felicia get a head start on me. My muscles bunch under me as I sprinted towards my pack. I made it there quickly but obviously not quick enough once I saw that a battle was being fought everywhere around the pack grounds. I was frozen in shock. How could she start a battle in 15 minutes. It was unbelievable. Felicia was mad. Those couple of seconds allowed me to digest everything and then I jumped into the fight ready for anything. The first person I saw I grabbed his hand broke his neck in a split second. This brought attention to me which shifted the focus of the fight. The other wolves who some I noticed were apart of my pack that became traitors and others that I didn't know, try to come at me. I guess the motive here was to take down the Luna. My pack members started to fight more fiercely. I ran across the area and stormed the the door of my home.

"KING!" I called out to my mate. I ran upstairs and burst into our room. I didn't find my mate which thinking upon it now of course he wouldn't be here hiding away from the fight. I groaned and ran out of the room down the stairs landing gracefully. I snatched the door open and stared out to see if I could find him. I narrowed my eyes and looked about which caught one of the enemies attention. Our eyes locked and then he lunged at me. I bent my back and felt as his body jumped over mind. As if in slow motion I caught him in mid shift. The grip I had on his neck snapped his spinal cord. He drooped to the floor limped as I ran on ahead out of the door not batting an eyelash. I spotted Macclain fighting two enemies. One was already shifted and the other was still in human form. Macclain was pretty good defending herself but I could tell that it was taking a toll on her. If I was in that situation I would have shifted but from the looks of it it seemed like she was a slow shifter. If she were to shift then that would leave her vulnerable. As the wolf crouched down to sprint and attack Macclain I jumped on top of it and grabbed its mouth with one hand. It growled and tried to throw me off but I wasn't going anywhere. I tugged at its mouth and felt the skin tear underneath my hands. Its top half fell off as the bottom half of the wolf fell limp changing the wolf bak into a human whose head was ripped in half. Macclain killed the other wolf and then looked at me with blood splattered all over her clothes and face." What happened?" I asked.

"I don't know! All of a sudden one of the pack memebers commanded the others to attack and they listened!" Macclain exclaimed. i was going to say something until Macclain shifted and started to go after a wolf that was fighting another pack member. i groaned and shook my head but ran on ahead to find my mate. I didn't see him but I spotted Reeds bright red hair swaying in the air as she dodged attacks and attacked. I ran to her and out of reflex she aimed to punch me. I caught her fist and then dragged her to behind a bush out of sight and out of the fight so we could chat.

"Oh my goodness Kiaya! Were have you been? When i couldn't find you I was so worried but then I had to fight and got so caught up,"Reed said grabbing me and hugging me quickly.

"Have you seen King?" I asked her.

"Yes. Earlier though, I haven't seen him since the fight," Reed said. We heard a howl which made Reed flinch. "I have to find my mate," Reed said biting her nails. i could understand how she was feeling. Although I was calm in the pit of my stomach I felt sick. I nodded at her and without saying another word I ran out into the flames of hell. i was determined to find my mate so everyone person i killed stood not one single chance against me. One of my former packs members rushed at me trying to get a good punch in. I growled at them making them hesitate which caused an opening. I advance on them and grabbed his wrist snapping it making him yell out in pain. He fell to the floor and I glared at him looking down on him.

"No please Luna. I give," He begged. I growled at him again making him shrink back. i stared at him for a couple more seconds and then once he was relaxed I punched him in the face knocking him out. I looked up just in time to catch a blond trying to kick me. my elbow wend down on her knee breaking the bone puncturing the skin. She fell and i moved on not wasting a second trying to find my mate.

"KING!" I called out to him. Finally I spotted my mate. He flung a wolf off of him and then our eyes met. He smiled at me and began to run towards me. I was so relieved to see him but the relief I felt was short lived. Another wolf decided to fight King which made him distracted that he couldn't see the other wolf behind him. I begin to run faster to help him but all of a sudden my limbs locked up on me and I fell to the ground and watched as the enemy plunged his arm into my mates chest killing him instantly.

Bite me not (completed) Book One of Twin Soul seriesWhere stories live. Discover now