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Asha p.o.v

Our old Alpha still looked terrible but he wasnt as pathetic as he was before Luna Kaiya got here. We only had a couple of days left until our pack would join heres . I didnt mind and I knew that pack life there would be as good as our pack use to be. The Luna and Alpha seemed like great people and I couldnt wait to settle down in Michigan.

I threw the rest of my important belongings in my suitcase and closed it. I looked around my room and nod my head once I was satisfied. I lived with my mother and father which you could say I was lucky because a lot of kids were orphaned after the attack. I was only 19 but I was like the caretaker of our pack now. My mother was third in command because the Luna here was her best friend. After she died however my mother became depressed so I took over. If your wondering what happened to our beta then ill tell you that hes dead. Its up to me now and to tell you the truth even though I was helping around, Macclain was better then I. Like I said im caretaker not third in command like my mother. I didnt personally meet Luna of the Great Five pack but, my cousin Ajha did and I was to ashamed of her behavior to help her when she attacked Luna Kaiya. Our family is proud and attacking any Luna of any pack is a big no no. I left my room walking down the stairs and heading out the door. I didnt bother talking to my parents because I knew that my dad was trying to help my mother cope like any other day. 

The day was warm but even so I felt as if I was missing something. I looked around me and noticed that it was quiet. Too quiet for my liking. My brows came together in confusion so I started to walk to my cousins house. Not a soul was outside and that made me worried.It is very weird for a neighborhood better yet a werewolf neighborhood, to be this quiet. I reached my cousins house and I knew that the door was going to be locked so I lifted the welcome mat under me and took the spare key from under it. The key slipped into the lock easily and I turned hearing a click. I opened the door and breath in a couple of different scents in the house that was unfamiliar to me.

"Ajha!" I called out to her. She didnt answer which made me pick up my pace. Her house was big so              a couple of seconds later I was down the basement staring at a bunch of strangers and my cousin. I looked a their faces to remember them and then my eyes finally landed on hers."Why didn't you answer me?" I asked Ajha. She shrugged and looked at me passively.

"I was talking and I thought it was rude to a interrupt ," She said. I rolled my eyes at her and then looked at the strangers.

"Who are you?" I asked. A female stood up. I took a step back defensively because I didn't know her game. She smiled at me but I still didn't buy it.

"How rude of us. I am a messenger from The Great Five Pack. I was sent by the Luna," She said. I wasnt really feeling her because of the way she said Luna but I trusted Luna Kaiya to send someone that she trusted if that made sense.

" Im Asha the caretaker how can I assist you?" I asked. I gave Ajha a quick glare for not telling me that Kaiya had sent a messenger but she ignored it.

"Theres nothing for you to do. I was sent here to make sure that you guys are ready and packed for the move and if the Alpha is doing better?" She asked.

"He is doing better but his mind is still weak. And tell her to not worry because we are ready," I said. She smiled at me again the smile not reaching her eyes.

"Thank you. We should be going now after I talk to your Alpha," She said I nod at her. "Ajha could take us there. Im sure you are busy," She said walking past me and up the stairs. I stood there trying to comprehend what had happened. Why would the Luna send a messenger when they can contact us through cell? I shook my head and shrugged leaving the basement as well.


The Coastal Pack was due tomorrow. I wanted to make sure that they werent in any kind of danger. Although I was nervous I didnt want to bother them. They were probably busy packing up anyways. I smile at my mate as I took a bite of my toast. We had decided to eat breakfast at the kitchen table today. It was pretty funny because the table could fit at least twenty. We looked small eating at the table without a group of people. I chuckled at the thought making King look up at me from his bacon heaven.

"Whats funny?" He asked smiling. I shook my head.

"Just thinking how comical this is. The table is so big and its just us," I said giggling. King frowned and bowed his head.

"Did you eat with Marcy sometimes?" He asked. I sat my piece of toast down and stared at my fingers that were now intertwined.

"Yeah sometimes," I said softly. The room grew quiet and all of a suddent it seemed way bigger then it was. I stood up wiping invisible crumbs. "Im going to go swim a couple of laps in the pool," i said walking away. I heard King shuffle in his seat and i knew that he was following me upstairs. I didnt say anything as I stripped out of my clothes and put on my bathing suit. It was a one piece if you can call it that. It was open on the sides and the color was black. i knew I looked hot but it was besides the point. I grabbed the first suit I could find because I needed something to occupy my mind. Swimming was the best thing other then sex right now. I tied my brown hair into a bun and strolled towards our door. I was going to leave until i felt a tug on my hand.

"Kaiya I dont want you walking out of this house like that," King said. I grew angry at him.

"I could care less right now about what you want. I need to do something so that I wont keep thinking about her and all the other shit thats been going on," I said my voice wavering with anger. King eyes grew dark because he too was angry.

"You dont care about what I want? Last time I told you that no one else could see you naked and then you did the opposite and let Clide see you. You argued with me about taking over duties and now you dont want to listen because I don't want the un mated wolfs to be eye fucking you? Are you fucking crazy Kaiya? My patience has been wearing thin. I've been trying to keep my anger in check but" King took a deep breath and gripped the head board breaking it under his hand. He threw the piece of wood on the ground and started to breath heavily. " I dont get this," He said turning around facing me. His eyes were still a little cloudy from anger but i could tell he was still mad. I was mad too. "We are suppose to be mates. You act like I have no say in anything. I am Alpha Kaiya and im finished telling you so," King said calmly. He walked towards me and I knew that he was leaving to go on a run to keep from getting angry again. I stood there stunned. He stopped next to facing the door. I didnt look at him but straight ahead facing the wall. "You are not wearing that damn bathing suit," He said dominantly and then walked out. Once I heard the door slam downstairs I fell to the floor my knees giving out.I couldnt believe that we argued like we did although it didnt last long and didnt say much of anything. My maate and I are never suppose to fight we are suppose to be insync with everything. I hugged myself and stared at the floor. What was happening?

Bite me not (completed) Book One of Twin Soul seriesWhere stories live. Discover now