And he shall rise like the Phoenix from the ashes

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*Okay a couple of you may find this weird but remeber they are werewolves. If your boyfriend or girlfriend died and came back you would throw yourself at them too and never let go. Anyways here is another chapter. WARNING: sexual content. Kaiya thought he was dead so its gonna get a little freaky but not right away. Anyways if you dont feel this give me back my awesome sauce and fiddlesticks and leave. There are only a couple of chapters left so sadly this story is coming to an end after a couple of things are handled and questions are answered that is. Thank you for reading.... Anywhore enjoy*

His body fell back limp and unmoving. I stared at him with wide eyes unable to comprehend what had just happened. I noticed the color coming back to his face and although I saw him moving earlier I couldnt grasped the fact that someone could come back from the dead. He didnt move after I watched him for a couple of minutes so I figured that my mind was playing tricks on me because I was going a little insane. I shook my head and felt my heart beat slow down. I sighed and walked a little closer seeing as if he was going to move. When he didnt I shook my head.

"Great Kaiya now your really going crazy," I mumbled to my self. Suddenly King sat up grasping at his throat. I felt my breathing pick up as I watched him. He blinked a couple of times and then turn to stare at me. My eyes were huge and I knew that my mouth was hanging open. King opened his mouth but all that came out was a cough.

"Water," He said with a horse voice. I stood there frozen eyes blinking rapidly. When I didnt move King raised a brow at me. "Kaiya I could see the cogs turn in your head. Just please get me some water and I'll tell you everything. Being dead has left me thirsty," King croaked out. His eyes were warm and his voice was still the same, well minus the extra raspiness. I took in a big breath of air and when his scent hit my nose I knew that it was truelly him. I nod my head and ran out of the room in a hurry to find a vending machine. A couple of the workers stared at me like I was insane and perhaps I was, but I didn't care. I found a vending machine around the corner and wasted no time punching it with my fist making beverages fall everywhere. I picked up a bottle of water and bolted back inside the morgue. I stopped at the door stunned. I couldn't believe he was still there. His legs were dangling off the edge almost touching the ground and his brown curly hair was tousled. I couldn't help my self but slob over how sexy he looked. I mean he was still my mate although he came back from the dead like a freaking zombie. He noticed me staring and sent me a smile with a raised brow.

"Water would be nice Kaiya," King said. I shook my head and sauntered over to him handing him the water bottle which he drowned easily. After he was finish his attention was back on me."Why are you in a hospital gown?" He asked anger laced in his voice and a frown on his face.

"I was stabbed after uh died," I said still not wanting to talk about it even if he was here in front of me. Maybe I was going insane and maybe he wasnt real. King's frown deepen ed.

"Im happy you are okay. I asume that this person is dead?" King asked. I gave a nod. " Did you find out how this started?"

"My mothers madness and Felicia," I said.

"Felicia? Are you talking about that girl that challenged you in a sparring match when we were practicing last time?" He asked with brows raised. I felt a lump form in my throat. My family was crazy. All the women seem to have a history of psychoness going on if that was even a word. I prove that theory right by the murderous intent I had towards Julia. As if reading my mind, which was actually my emotions, my mate slide off the table and titled my chin up with his pointer finger and thumb to look at him. His fingers were warm and I couldnt help but let a tear escape my eye. He wiped it away and looked in my eyes seriously.

"You are not like them. You are not crazy," He said certain. I looked away from him making him move his fingers.

"Im not sure about that. I mean my mom was the reason behind everything which made Felicia go all ape shit and then earlier I had an incident. I dont know when my family is going to take fault of anything," I said looking down again. King sighed and then embraced me. He smelt of something weird and himself. It was something I couldnt explain. I hugged him back and I was happy that I didnt have to explain my families mental issues at the moment. We broke away and he stared at me with love and longing. This was the man of my life and I was happy that the fates gave me another chance to be with him. I was really hoping though that this wouldn't mess up the balance in the world or some shit like that but who would know besides them. My hands brushed against my flat stomach and then a smile spread across my face. It soon faded once my eyes came from my stomach and stared in Kings once again. I was nervous because last time we talked about kids he wasnt ready. I took in a deep breath and opened it to get it over with. "I have something to tell you," I said chickening out. King raised a brow and nodded his head to continue. I cleared my throat and ran my hands through my brown waves. "Im pregnant," I said clearly. My voice was stronger then I felt. King stared at me not blinking for a couple of moments. I shifted positions because he wasnt saying anything. Finally he leaned in towards me, his hand cupping his ear, as if he couldnt hear. With our super hearing he heard everything but I decided to say it again. "Im pregnant. Your a father," I said through clenched teeth. It was silence again and him being mute was pissing me off. King, with faster speed then I could keep up with, brought me near making my body press close to his and kissed me as if the earth was gonna crash into the sun tomorrow. He broke apart the kiss leaving me breathless and confused.

"Im going to be a father...," He whispered his forhead touching mine. I was shocked because even though I knew he wouldn't hurt me I didnt know how he would take it. I nod my head in response even though he didnt ask a question.

"Yes your a father. I didn't expect you to react this way," I admitted breaking contact which made King frown at me.

"I know what I said before but I was given another chance to live my life with you and I want to do everything with you," King placed his hand on my belly. "I want to have kids, grow old, and fight with you. I want to make love to you everyday and run this pack as Alpha with pride. I want everything," He finishes breathlessly. At that moment I wanted him but I didnt want to do it in the morgue, even Im not that savage.

"Lets go," I said in a whisper.


"Alpha!" One of the nurses yelled surpriesd. We were rushed with different bodies some had tears in their eyes. Reed was nowhere to be seen so she would have to hear about Kings resurrection through rumors. We left the hospital after a couple of minutes of fighting through the crowd of doctors and nurses and M.A's. I breathed in as the scent of antibacterial spray and latex was left behind. I changed into my clothes before we left so I didnt have to be outside in my gown. However King was frowning as he stared at my shirt. It had blood on it and a cut from where I was stabbed.

"Im sorry that I couldnt protect you," King said to me with tears in his eyes. I shook my head and placed my palm on his cheek which he leaned into and took a deep breath. After a couple of seconds of standing in front of the hospital he took another breath and nod at me. I took off in a sprint towards my pack.


Once again we were surrounded by a group of my pack members. They touched and sobbed but didnt ask questions as to how their dead Alpha was alive. For that I was grateful. King however was ready to get me in bed. He dragged me to our home leaving the others with out another glannce. He opened the door and before he could kick the door closed we were kissing with a hunger that was fueled with fire. I moaned into his mouth as his hand racked my body and mine pull on his hair. This was animalistic and I didnt protest when my closed were ripped off my body along with his. Heat was already pooling between my legs as he nippled and licked and kissed my body. I did the same not wanting to ever forget each detail of my mate and the way his eyes look at me with pure adulterated lust. We were on the floor by the door not even able to wait to start our round. I gasped as he spread my legs open and slammed inside me making my teeth rattle and me dig my nails into his forearms.He hissed and then grunted flexing his hips to connect with mine. I knew that when you were pregnant that you shouldnt be rough or something like that but there was something deeper that we both needed to satisfy in our selves. I didnt know what it was until I felt a jolt inside my body. I discovered that Mii Mii and Antonie, King and I wolves were at it mentally in our heads. Our souls were finally connected in such a way that our life lines were one line. I thought that after the marking that the mating process was finished but now I knew that this was the real process of mating. Its when you let your wild side come out while still being you. Its not when you take over or when your wolf takes over. Its when you combine your body and soul with your mate completely as one.

Bite me not (completed) Book One of Twin Soul seriesWhere stories live. Discover now