Crush my heart and I hope I die

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*Sorry for the wait. Here is a small chapter. Sorry for the grammer mistakes dedicated to Blaidmiehette because her story is awesome. Check her out. Enjoy*

My mates body fell limp. I screamed at the top of my lungs. I tasted blood and I felt my heart rip out of my chest. I felt as if part of my soul was ingulfed into the flames of hell. I tried to crawl to my mate hoping that if I was there in enough time I could heal him with my blood.

~"Kaiya Im so sorry," MiiMii sobbed. I watched as my mates body jerked from his wolf trying to heal his body but I knew that he was gone. I figured that the wolf punctured his lung leaving him no chance to recover. All the fighing stopped once I screamed out again falling to the ground all of the fighting leaving out of my body. Silence filled the air and then screams and the sound of true panic was heard. My brain was foggy so I couldnt really process what was going on around me because of the pain that I was feeling. No one should feel this way. I wouldnt even want my worst enemy to feel my pain. I sobbed and layed in the grass staring at nothing. What was the use of living anymore? Who would. I live for? I didnt care anymore about anything. I heard my name faintly in the background but I ignored them.

~"Kaiya what are yo doing!? We need to move! You could be killed!"~ MiiMii hissed at me.

~"Whats the point on moving on? i have nothing to live for now,"~ I said to MiiMii in my head. She whimpered.

~"Im so sorry I did this. But it was the only way we could reach our full potential,'~ MiiMii said to me.

~"What do you mean?"~ I asked her. I was afraid of her answer.

~"I had to stop you somehow. And Im sorry I kept this secret from you,"~ She whispered.

~"What are you talking about? What other secret could I possibly not know of now?"~ I asked sarcastically.

~"I locked your limbs up. I stopped you,~" MiiMii said softly. I didnt say anything for a couple of seconds because everything was processing.

~"You let my mate die! You let your mate die! How could you do this to me? Why MiiMii? I knew your were a bitch but I didnt know it was this extreme!"~ I yelled at her. She whimpered again.

~" Im sorry Kaiya. It was the only way you could get stronger. I was told that if your mate dies you would gain your full Luna powers and the only way to do that was to stop you from saving him,"~ She said. I sobbed.

~" I cant believe you. You sacrificed our mate for power? Your just as bad as Felicia,"~ I said acidly.

~" I was also told that there is a way to save him. Go to him,"~ MiiMii said sounding hurt and broken. I felt hope spark into my being and slowly stood up trying not to draw attention to myself. I must have been lying there for a long time not paying attention to anything because when I looked around the fighting had stooped at my pack members were tied up on the ground listening to Felicia's victory speech. I figured that everyone thought I was dead because my pack memebers were dying. Reed was one of the people in the front glaring at Felicia as she talked. Although tears were running down her eyes she looked strong. I felt stupid then. Although I loss everything I still had a pack to protect. I slowly walked to my mates body making sure I didnt make a sound. Once I reached his body I had to cover my mouth to stop the sob that wanted to come out. He looked pale. Too pale for my liking and I knew that if I touched him he wouldnt be warm like a werewolf should be.

~"Im here. Now what do I do?"~ I asked MiiMii.

~"I dont know. I dont know! I was told that you had to go to him. That was it. Im so sorry Kiaya,"~ MiiMii said sadly. I felt her pain suddenly and regretted my words earlier. She thought that she could actually save our mate.

~"MiiMii where are you getting this information from?"~ I asked her.

~" The fates,"~ She sated. I felt my brows raise but I didnt say anything. Maybe they were wrong or something. I was on my knees staring at my mate. I brushed his hair from his face and then touced his cheek. It was cold to the touch and I could help but cry. I looked up to see if anyone heard me which luckily they didnt. I needed to think of a plan to save everyone so I didnt want to get discovered yet. I looked around me at the other dead bodies and felt so sad. It was always sad to see that after affects of a fight between werewolfs although during that battle you didnt feel remorse that is until afterwards. I decided that I would just attack Felicia first to end everything. I stood up to do so but was yanked back down when my hand didnt move from my mates face. I was beginning to freak out because it was as if our skin was fused together and the thought of being stuck to my dead mates body was unsettling. Suddenly the air around us charged and cracked with little bolts causing my breath to catch in my throat. I didnt know what was happening and I couldnt move because I was stuck. As if appearing out of air Marcy stared at me. I was going to have a heart attack right now. I groaned and closed my eyes wanting to curse the spirits above for torturing me.

"Please don't do this to me, " I whispered. Marcy chuckled and walked closer to me trying to touch me but I flinched away. She frowned but nod her head in understanding.

"Kaiya, " Marcy said. It was her voice but it sounded so much more mature. "There is a way to save your mate," she stated. I gasped and stared at her.

"How!? I would do anything!" I said. Marcy smiled at me but I could see sadness in her eyes.

"Well this makes things easier. You just have to do one thing," Marcy said. I nod at her.

" What do I have to do?" I asked.

"Give me the life of your baby in exchange for the life of your mate," She stated as if it was the most normal thing to say. I mean thinking upon it talking to your dead daughter and being stuck to your dead mate is not normal.

"What?" I asked brows raised. Marcy pointed to my stomach." Your pregnant. In exchange to bring your mate back one life must be taken," Marcy said. I. Thought about the time the Crone touched my stomach and looked down at my mate. Her warning made sense now. I brought my attention back to Marcy and gave a low growl.

"I would never sacrifice anyone not even to save my mate," I said with anger in my voice. Marcy stared at me as if to read through my soul. After a couple of moments of staring at me she gave a real sweet smile that held no sadness.

"Kaiya," Marcy called to me. I took a deep breath and gave her my hardest stare because I didn't think that this was a situation that someone to smile about. Who ever this is is not my daughter. " You gave a wise answer. The fates are in awe with you," she finished and then disappeared. I shook my head confused and then felt my hand release from my mates face. I stood up and stared down at him and finally made my move to go after Felicia.

Bite me not (completed) Book One of Twin Soul seriesWhere stories live. Discover now