May it freeze over in hell

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I turned and stared at Felicia. She stood at the door with a smirk on her face. I didnt even understand why she was here. I noticed movement from the corner of my eye which brought my attention to my mother. She sat up looking at Felicia.

"Please dont," My mother said begging. Felicia chuckled and I stepped back to get a view of the two.

"Why are you begging her mom?" I asked, Felicia looked at me and shook her head.

"Shall I tell her or would you like to do the honors?" She asked my mother.

"Whats going on?" I asked. Felicia stared at my mom with raised brows and when she didnt say anything she shrugged and looked at me.

"I know how your father died," Felicia said. I rolled my eyes at her.

"Everyone does. He died in a rogue attack," I stated. Felicia shook her index finger at me.

"Sorry babe but that was a lie. How did the former Alpha die Marei-Ann?" Felicia asked my mother sarcastically. My mother whimpered.

"I-I dont do this. Not infront of her," She said shaking her head tears falling down her eyes.

"What do you mean not in front of me? What the hell?" I asked. Felicia chuckled.

"Daddy didnt die the way you think," Felicia said. "Daddy died because his brother killed him for having an affair," She added. I gasped as my mother sobbed.

"Mom?" I called out to her. She said nothing as she sobbed rocking back and forth.

"Daddy isnt really mommas mate," Felicia drwled out. I felt like my world was gonna explode.

"What are you talking about?" I felt like I was asking the same question to two children. Felicia rolled her eyes and looked at her nails as if what she was telling me wasnt crushing my mothers heart into a million peices.

"Geez...ill tell you," Felicia said looking up from her nails. She leaned against the wall and folded her arms. "As I said before your father was killed by his brother," She added staring at me with a blank expression.

"What the hell is that suppose to mean. Myh dad died of a rogue attack," I stated. Felicia growled at me which caused me to growl back.

"Whta the hell? Its true. Thats why your mother has been depressed since your fathers death. It was all her fault," Felicia said glaring at my mother. "And its her fault why my mother left the pack and why my father was killed as well," She added with anger in her voice.

"What do you mean its all her fault? Mother what is she talking about?" I asked her again. She shook her head.

"Please dont," Was all my mother said. I shook my head and brought my attention back to Felicia.

"Tell me," I demanded. I didnt want to beleive it but I always knew that there was something fishy about my fathers death. Felicia scowled at me but then sighed.

"Oh alright. I came here to enjoy this anyways. Well as I told you about five hundred times already you father was killed by his brother who is my father," Felicia said. i gasped and stared at her. Looking more closely at her features. Thats why she seemed like a threat to me. We were cousins.

"Your my cousin?" I asked brows creased. Felicica shook her head which confused me more. "But-

"in a normal situation yes, i would be your cousin but that is not the case here," Felica said.

"Meaning?" I asked dragging on the word.

"The affair I was talking about earlier-

"Its impossible for a mate to cheat on one another," i said cutting her off. Felicia rolled her eyes and sighed.

"Anyways. Your father had an affair with my mother," Felicia said smirking.

"But that doesnt make any sense," I stated.

"Its all your moms fault. Years ago before we ere born there was a Luna and and Alpha. They had a baby which is your mother who grew up without a mate. The tiome was near for her to take over the title but she was mateless. So in order to not feel so lonely she picked one of the un mated males in our pack and decide that he would be Alpha. This guy of course was your father," Felicia said. i shook my head and stared at my mom. She looked at me with pleading eyes but I was to hurt about the lies she fed me to care. "Now your father had a mate but they didnt make it official yet because she was involved with my father which was your fathters brother. your father didnt want to hurt his brother so he went with your mother. Now the thing is is that your father told your mother that he would only take the ALpha title to help her but he had a mate. She promised him that they would get to live together under the same roof but sadly as time flew by your mother fell in love with your father. He loved her too but his real heart was with Zonya my mother and your mother knew that. When your father told her that he wanted his mate she denied him privilage to see her. Years went by and they had you," Felicia said pausing in the strong to stare at me with a look of ...I couldnt point it out.

"Go on," I said bracing myself for the rest of the story.

"Anyways..what was i saying....oh yes. You grew a little older and I grew as well but i was the little baby that my mother and your father wanted to keep secret. WHile your mother was taking care of you your father was pretending to go on pack meetings to visit his other daughter. ME," She said smiling. i shook my head.

"You cant be my sister," I stated balling my fist up. Felicias eyes lite up in excitement as I grew angry.

"But I am. So to finish the story. My father found out about the affair with your father that my mother was having and out of anger he killed him. That set your mother off and she ordered my father to be killed even though everything was her fault because she wanted to be selfish. So here I am Sister standing in front of you ruining everything you beleived in," Felicia said siting up from the wall. My breathing was heavy and so was my moms. I said nothing as I stared at Felica. I didnt want to beleive it but her features were almost the same as mine. i closed my eyes to stop the tearsfrom falling.

"Why did you wait to tell me all of this?" I asked her. She giggled which sounded cold and cruel.

"I waited because The opportunity never came until you became distracted with having a mate. I surely need to thank him," She said.

"What do you mean opportunity?" I asked hearing the challenge in my voice. Felicia narrowed her eyes at me.

"Well to be Luna of course," She said. I growled and lunged at her.

Bite me not (completed) Book One of Twin Soul seriesWhere stories live. Discover now