Chapter 5

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" Pete..." Vegas knocked on his door. There was no response for a while, his heart dropped for a moment thinking maybe pete was angry and just as he was about to leave, Pete opened the door stopping him on his tracks.

" Khun Vegas? Why are you here? I mean - do you need something? " Pete asked in a worried voice.

But Vegas just kept standing still without saying anything, and seeing him hesitating about something, Pete invited him in.

Both of them sat on the sofa and after still hesitating for a while, Vegas said what he wanted to.

" I-I am sorry Pete. I shouldn't have screamed at were not at fault. " Vegas said sounding apologetic.

" It's fine. " Pete smiled at him, slightly shocking Vegas.

" You - are not mad? " He asked doubtfully.

" No... " Pete said and proceeded to explain to clear his confusion.

" I know it must have been tough for you. You maybe went through something like that in your past which made you react the way you did. So I don't blame you, afterall past memories can make us act in ways we usually won't. " Pete hesitated a little bit still kept his hand on top of Vegas' hand.

" They can leave deep impressions for years. " Pete said with sadness reflecting in his eyes. And at that very moment, Vegas knew pete must have also gone through something similar, he felt that maybe someone actually understood him. For some reason, he felt safe to share his experience with him.

" You must've found it out already, I was really close to mae, so naturally her death was really shocking for me. After that day, I occasionally keep having such nightmares where either she blames me for not saving her and in some, she begs me to save her from the accident with such longing eyes. " Khun Vegas said, feeling uneasy while remembering the nightmares.

" While I was in Italy, once I accidentally fell asleep in the class and ended up having a nightmare. My classmates bullied me a lot for that, ofcourse I tried my best to endure it for a long time but ended up paying them back anyway. It was fortunate that they never bullied me again after that, but still such moments bring back such memories making me loose my sense. " He said looking sad and embarrassed.

" I am truly weak and pathetic, aren't I? " He said smiling weakly at me.

The always smiling and cheerful Khun Vegas was no more there, but sitting infront of me was a wounded child insecure of his past.

" No. You are not. " I said looking into his eyes.

" You don't need to console me. " He said giving me a mocking smile while looking away from me.

" I am not. " I gulped hard as the memories of my past resurfaced.

" My mae isn't alive anymore either. I was really young when she passed away. It was raining terribly that day, so rains always hold a bad meaning for me. As a child, I would always break into cold sweat and shiver out of fear whenever it rained. But phaw thought  I was worthless and a "man" shouldn't be "scared" of such things, so he used to throw me out of the house whenever it rained and thundered. I would keep screaming, begging him to let me in and scratching the door until my fingers started bleeding. But he never listened to even a single plea of mine. Fortunately my grandma would let me in finally after fighting with him for a while, but those few moments outside would always be hell for me. " I said sighing as I remembered the terrible memories.

" But looking back at those times, I don't think I was weak, for had I been weak, I wouldn't have been able to endure such things. So the fact that I still grew up against all odds is the proof of my strength. Those who bully us don't do it because we are weak, they do it because they are insecure. " I said to him, looking into his eyes as he kept listening to me and looking at me intently.

He smiled without saying a word more and got up.

" I think I should leave now. " He said waving me goodbye and walking out of my room.

( Writer's thought : Just them bonding over their<3 )

We didn't talk much for the rest of the day except for a few short exchanges. But at night right before I was about to retire, he stopped me at the door frame.

" Umm...get ready in the morning tomorrow. " He said looking here and there, avoiding any eye contact.

What should I get ready for?
Was what occupied my mind, but instead of asking that instantly, I waited for him to explain from his side.

" We'll go to see a movie. I don't have any one else to take along, so I want to go with you. " He said, sounding slightly embarrassed.

" Sure. " I said smiling at him and cutting the conversation short, left the room immediately.

But right after I was out, I felt heat rushing up to my cheeks.

" Am I blushing? But why? When I have no reason to? " I thought, completely confused by the sudden and random reactions occuring in my body.

The next morning, as ordered by him I wore some casual clothes. It was still a little before the decided time, so I thought of waiting for a while before going to his room but I went there in the end anyway.

" Let's just wait infront of his room. " I thought but Khun Vegas was waiting there for me already, all dressed in some casual black clothes. They were plain but somehow complemented his smooth skin and sharp jawline well and along with his well set hair, made him look like a model.

Some people do have the blessing of looks.
I thought to myself while looking at him.

" He looks good in literally everything. " I mumbled mindlessly and bit my tongue as soon as I realized what I had just said hoping for Khun Vegas to not have heard it.

But...he did. He smirked and turned back to face me. He leaned towards me and caging me between the wall and his arms whispered again in my ear.

" Thanks for the compliment. " He said but instead of backing off like he usually did, he went even closer to my ear.
And maybe he noticed how red my neck had turned, because the very moment his lips touched my ear, he smirked against it and backed off immediately.

What's with his whispering obsession?
I thought to myself again. Is that his kink or something? To whisper seductively in other people's ears? And then kiss it lightly out of nowhere?

Whatever it was, he seemed to enjoy teasing me. But after that, he acted as if nothing happened and throughout the journey towards the theatre, we didn't utter a word.

" Oh? It's a horror movie? " I said looking at the poster of the movie that we were about to watch.

" Yes...why? Scared of horror movies? " He chuckled in a low tone.

" Well if you get scared, then you can cling to me...I won't mind. " Khun Vegas said with confidence embedded in each of his words.

At that moment, he somehow seemed cool to me. But if I had known what was awaiting us, I definitely would have found it pretty cute of how confident he was in his abilities.

My Lost Lover ( Vegaspete ) ( 16+ ) Where stories live. Discover now