Chapter 8

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" Khun you have a lover? " I asked surprising him a little.

" No...why? Want me to court you? " He said winking at me.

" No thank you. I was just thinking that the first time I saw you I thought you must have a lot of admirers. But no wonder you are still single...with your flirting skills I'd be more surprised if you had lover. " I said keeping his skills in mind. For a moment I thought I had offended him since he didn't say anything after that but I clearly had underestimated his capability of making anyone blush.

" I am not sure about my flirting skills but I've got a different set of skills that for sure can make your knees go weak. Wanna try? " He said smirking as he grazed his finger down his torso.

" I'd rather pass. Then...I should be leaving now. " I said, not wanting him to see how red my neck and ears had turned.

" Yeah I think you should. " He said leaving a kiss on my neck.

My eyes widened and immediately opening the door I rushed back into my room.
My heart was beating wildly and I could feel a certain heat spreading through my entire body.

" F*ck! I am hard. " I said cursing myself out.

" Why am I behaving like a teenager experiencing their first love? " I thought to myself while burying my face in my palms.

" Why is he making things hard for me? " I said to myself as I banged my head into the door intentionally before dragging myself into the washroom to take care of myself.

" I'll just complete the work in my room or in the office. " I said to him explaining why we couldn't be together for the time being. I had to complete some work given by Khun Kinn but Khun Vegas kept whinning about me not spending time with him.

" Or you could just complete it in my room. " He insisted looking so hopefully towards me that I just couldn't refuse.

" Haa. Fine. " I finally agreed not wanting to waste anymore time arguing about it. Afterall, I knew he was pretty stubborn and wouldn't let me work anywhere else anyway.

I picked up my things and he helped me to shift everything I needed into his room and kept everything on the bed.

" I can just sit on the sofa. " I insisted.

" Nope. The bed's softer. Besides, the sofa looks uncomfortable. " He sighed making me sit on the bed.

I started doing my work and he was just sitting beside me, minding his own business and sometimes peeping a little to see what I was doing.

After a while, finally his patience ran out.

" Ah this is so boring! " He exclaimed throwing his hands up in the air as he flopped on my lap. Setting his head properly and comfortably on my lap, he clasped a small pillow between his arms and closed his eyes. 

" Keep working. I am just going to close my eyes for a second. Wake me up if you face problems because of me or feel uncomfortable. " He said wiggling a little to make himself even more comfortable.

" Yeah. " I said not paying much attention to him. I was still too immersed in my work to properly pay attention to my surroundings.

Two hours later, my work was finally over and just as I was about to get up, I felt a weight on my lap holding me down and immediately realized what it was.

" Oh thank God I didn't stand up all of a sudden. " I thought to myself, being relieved that I did not accidentally wake him up.

My eyes fell on him again and I noticed his peaceful he looked while sleeping. I brushed my fingers through his hair. It felt quite soft and smooth. I soon found myself tracing his face. No matter how much I tried to stop myself, it was like my fingers weren't listening to me.

Tracing his jawline I slowly reached his lips and as I was brushing my thumb past his lower lip finally I was stopped by my conscience.

" What do you think you are doing to a sleeping man?! " My conscience screamed at me making me come out of my trance.

I panicked and immediately was about to get up but before I could I felt Khun Vegas gripping my wrist.

" W-when did you wake up? " I asked as the colour drained from my face.

But instead of answering, he just smirked and within a split second turned to lie on his back and picking me up landed me on his abdomen area.

I was now sitting on him with my hands gripping his shirt that I had accidentally grabbed because of being surprised.

" When you started playing with my hair. " He finally answered the question I had asked earlier.

He interlocked my hands in his and taking it near his face, softly bit my palm.

I moaned unconsciously and was instantly surprised by it. Khun Vegas looked really interested and I just wanted to run away and hide somewhere.

He traced his fingers down my back sending shivers down my spine as I arched my back. I could feel my sanity fading away slowly but still I didn't want him to stop.
" Do you know how sexy you are? " He said in a seductive tone as he grazed his hand across my throat grabbing it gently. He brushed his finger up and down my throat causing goosebumps to arise in different parts of my body.

He smirked looking at me but suddenly I could see a small emotion flashing through his eyes. It was as if he had suddenly gained consciousness. He looked as if he was trying to stop himself from going any further but maybe I had already lost my ability to think straight. Because the very next moment I pulled him up towards me and slammed my lips into his. He reciprocated it almost immediately. I felt his hand moving upto to my thighs pushing me down further.

I slipped my hands under his t-shirt feeling his well-sculptured abs up and down making him let out a low groan.

He moved his hands towards my neck pushing me more towards himself. He sucked and nibbled on my lower lip as he waited for me to open my mouth. And as soon as I did, he shoved his tongue in licking every corner of it. At the moment I felt as if I was going to get sucked into him. The kiss kept getting rougher with each passing moment as if he was in some sort of desperation. Our hot breaths kept getting intermixed as we started panting for some air. He bit my lip, making me moan and accidentally he chomped it out of excitement and almost instantly, I felt an irony hot liquid flow into my mouth.
He panicked immediately and breaking the kiss ran out to fetch some cotton.

He was back in a minute and cleaned the wound right away before applying some light medicine.

" I-I am sorry Pete. I didn't mean to do this. " He said genuinely feeling guilty.

" I-it's fine. It felt good... " I said feeling a little awkward from the earlier exchange and right after he was done taking care of the wound, I sprang onto my feet.

" I-I remember...Khun Korn had requested for me. " I said before storming out of the room.

" I kissed my boss?! " Was the only thought occupying my mind at the moment.

It undeniably felt good and I was nervous if I sucked at kissing since it was my first time but still I couldn't help but replay the scenes over and over again in my head.

" I must have gone crazy. " I thought to myself before internally smacking myself. I instantly immersed myself in other works to forget about the steamy kiss but a part of me still wanted to go back and embrace him till we no longer had an invisible wall separating us.

3rd person POV :

" F*ck. What have I done?! " Vegas muttered to himself.

He was sitting on the bed, holding his head thinking about the moment shared between the two.

" I shouldn't have done that. I should've stopped myself. Dammit! " He stood up feeling bitter and pushed the food trolley scattering the plates everywhere.

" I am just going to end up hurting Pete at this rate. " He said looking up, as he bit his own lip hard to forget about everything that had happened.

My Lost Lover ( Vegaspete ) ( 16+ ) Where stories live. Discover now