Chapter 7

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Khun Vegas was driving and I was enjoying the view of city lights and couldn't realize when our short ride had turned into a long night drive, since soon enough we were out of the city and the city lights by now looked like tiny fireflies in the night sky.

" We're here. " He said stopping the car and signing me to get out.

" I think we have come too far away from the city. " I said worried about how much time it would take to reach back.

" It's fine. You can sleep in the car on our way back if you want. " He said leading the way.

The gentle breeze felt really healing. It was soft and gave a sense of comfort as it brushed past my skin.

He went ahead and sat down near the edge calling for me to accompany him. I went along and sat beside him and as soon as I lifted my gaze I was left in complete awe. The beauty of the place was mesmerizing.

" It's so beautiful. " I said involuntarily.

I could only hear him chuckle a bit but he didn't reply. Perhaps even he wanted to silently enjoy the scene infront of us.

We were sitting near the edge of the hilltop. A river was running at the foots of the moutain producing an ear-pleasing light harmony. Muffled sounds of night birds were coming from a distance with warm moonlight lightening up the dark surroundings.

After a while, Khun Vegas lied down on the ground and tugged my shirt, telling me lie down as well.

We were both lying beside each other looking at the beautiful stars spread across the night sky. I felt a tingle in my heart seeing everything.

All of a sudden I felt something touch my hand. I was unsure of what it was but before I could get up to check it, I felt Khun Vegas' hand trying to clasp mine.

" I thought it was an insect. " I said looking up.

" Really? You can think of me as an insect if you want...but then would you mind if I gave you an insect bite? " He said in his usual playful tone and I immediately realized what he was referring to.

( Writer's thought : Yeah it's a roundabout way of saying " I wanna give you a hickey " XD )

" Ofcourse...I would. " I said looking averting my gaze towards him.

" Everyone's going to that think we are dating if they find out. " I said casually trying to mess back with him.

" Then let them. " He said looking back towards the sky refusing to elaborate on it any further.

" Wh-what do you mean?! " I asked to clear my misunderstanding.

But he didn't reply and I had to abandon asking him as well. For a while more, we kept looking at the stars while our fingers were intertwined and for some reason my heart was beating like crazy.

Maybe an hour or so later, Khun Vegas finally got up and helped me up as well.

" Let's go back. It's getting pretty late. " He said opening the door and making me sit inside.

He did a little jog towards the other side and sitting back down started driving towards the house.

" You can sleep if you want. I'll wake you up once we reach. " He said.

" No I'm fin- " I tried to say but yawned before being able to complete the sentence.

He chuckled slightly and I felt pretty embarrassed but nevertheless was not sleepy enough to be knocked out in his car.

Well that's I thought but after 5 minutes into the ride, I could feel my eyelids getting heavier with each passing second. I was struggling to look straight ahead and my eyes were starting to get watery from the repeated yawns.

And with a soft "good night" in my ear, I felt a hand brushing against my face closing my eyes and before I knew it, I was already in deep sleep in the car of the person I was supposed to "gaurd".

I had no clue of how much time I was asleep for but in my dream I could hear someone faintly saying something to me.

" Pete! We are he-. " But I couldn't quite decipher what the voice meant.
Nevertheless I still stretched my arms towards the sound in hope of finding the source but fell into deep sleep again before I could do it. I felt someone picking me up but had no energy nor consciousness to react.

My eyes flinched due to the sunlight seeping into my room waking me up. I twinkle opened my eyes but as soon as I saw my surroundings, I jumped onto my feet.

I was back in my room! But how?

" I remember falling asleep in Khun Vegas' car...d-did he carry me up here? " I thought hoping for it not to be the case.

I rushed to freshen up and after getting ready, immediately went out to check if anyone had any idea of what had happened last night.

Fortunately I found Porsche sitting in the training room.

" Pete! " He called me before I could.

" You're finally awake. " He said smiling.

" What do you mean by that? " I asked a little confused by what he meant.

" Vegas carried you to your room last night. Apparently you had fallen asleep in his car and wouldn't wake up no matter how much he called. " Porsche explained with a slightly teasing smile.

" Huh?! " I was clearly shocked.

" What? That's the truth. khun even made a scene crying because he thought you were dead. Vegas had to make him check your pulse to calm him down. " Porsche said chuckling while thinking about those events. On the other hand, I was internally screaming and smacking myself for not waking up even after saying I wasn't sleepy.

" I think I should go and apologise to Khun Vegas. " I said grabbing my head.

" Well probably, but he didn't seem to mind it. Well...what do you think about becoming my brother-in-law? I am sure Khun would be delighted to hear the news as well. " Porsche said trying hard to not laugh.

I mocked him and hit him slightly before making my way towards Khun Vegas' room.

" Khun Vegas. " I knocked gently on the door, a part of praying for him to not open it.

But they all were in vain since he opened the door right away as if he had been waiting for my arrival.

" Oh you're finally here. I seriously wonder how you've not gotten yourself kidnapped yet with how deeply you sleep. " He chuckled making me even more embarrassed. Letting me in, he closed the door behind me.

" Well I guess that's why I wasn't born as a child of this family. " I said out of desperation to make the atmosphere a little less awkward.
( He means he probably would've been kidnapped for a number of times due to sleeping habits had been a child of Teerpanyakul family. )

" I guess so. Then I should be thankful to that deep sleep of yours if it prevented you from being born as my sibling. " He said while brushing his thumb against his lips as he smirked looking at me.

" A-anyways, I-I apologise. " I blurted out after fighting my embarrassment for a while.

" Don't. Afterall, I didn't mind it...even in the slightest. " He said while walking slowly towards me.

I started retreating my step involuntarily. He kept coming towards me and I kept going back and soon there wasn't any place left for me to go. I stood sandwiched between him and the door.

" I hope you weren't bored last night. " He said in a low tone.

" Ofcourse. How could anyone get bored from seeing such a beautiful scene? " I accidentally spoke up in a more joyful tone than I had planned initially.

Khun Vegas looked quite surprised but the very next moment burst out laughing.

" Yo-you are like a baby chick. " He said while trying to catch his breath.

" Hah?! " I exclaimed confused and surprised by his unusual way of referring to things.

My Lost Lover ( Vegaspete ) ( 16+ ) Where stories live. Discover now