Chapter 23

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Pete's POV:

"Check every camera and trace the whereabouts of every bodyguard" Vegas ordered as he tried to analyse the situation to find out who the traitor was.

"Everyone, go out and complete the tasks. Pete stay back."

After assigning the work to the bodyguards involved in investigation, vegas sternly sent everyone out except me making me wonder what he was up to.

"Shouldn't I go out as well?" I asked thinking about joining the other bodyguards to solve the case but he denied.

"No need." Vegas said while not taking his eyes off the computer screen.

"What do you mean? You want me to rest here while the others give their everything to complete the tasks assigned by you?" I said in a slightly annoyed tone because of the partiality he was showing.

As someone who had worked hard to climb through the ranks, I didn't like partiality even if it was done in my favour.

"That's not what I mean." Vegas said as he finally looked up towards me, probably sensing my unsettled feelings.

"I installed cameras on different parts of the house where any secret document is stored, anticipating such an incident. Nobody except you included knows about them." He explained.

"Then why did you send the others out? Wouldn't it be easier to investigate if a few more people knew about this?"
I said.

"No, we still don't know who it was, who dared to leak our documents, so I just can't trust anyone else yet." He said, somehow making my heart feel warm that he trusted me enough to share it with me.

We both saw each recording and even though we couldn't see his face in any of the videos, we succeeded in getting a hold of his pattern.

All the visits to the different document rooms were made in between 10-12 at night during dinner time when the security was somewhat lax.

"Tonight, we'll station guards outside the rooms around this time. One after the other, the guards will be called by either one of us for some urgent work. If the traitor would be any one of the gaurds, they will definitely try to enter after the other one leaves, or if it's anyone else, they will definitely try to enter when both the guards would be absent." Vegas said and I completed his sentence.

"And we just have to wait for the right moment to capture him." I said and he smiled at me while nodding.

"Exactly." He got up from his seat and walking towards me, wrapped his arms around my waist.

"You complete me..." He smiled and buried his head in the nape of my neck something he seemed to love doing.

"Oii someone's gonna see us!" I whined while trying to playfully get out of his armd but instead of letting me go, he tightened his hold around me and started giving me pecks.

"It's fine...the bodyguards must be bored, let them get a good show" He said and winked before resuming to kiss me here and there again making me chuckle.

While giving me random pecks, our eyes finally meet and through my eyes that were squinted because of laughing so much, I saw his loving eyes looking directly at me. Looking at me with so much love and adoration filled in them that they made me want to melt in his arms. I hugged him tightly and looked up at him to see how close our lips were, he saw the hint of longing in my eyes as well and so leaned in to claim my lips as if they rightfully belonged to him and only him.
Breaking the soft kiss in the middle, he smiled against my lips

"I love you so much.." he whispered making me smile as well.

"I love you too" I whispered back and separated from him afraid of getting caught by someone.

"I'm gonna marry you once this whole thing is over to make up for all the times I couldn't hold you in my arms" he pouted and whined and I would've found his expressions extremely adorable as usual but that sentence he said caught be off-guard making me so shy that I couldn't say anything to counter it and that devil just smirked seeing me flushed.
He chuckled and kissed my forehead before embracing me, letting me bury my face that had turned crimson red because of his comment in his shoulder.

The night soon slipped in and with each passing minute, we were getting more and more cautious in order to execute our plan perfectly.

We slowly started executing our plan, one by one the guards stationed at each location were being called in before moving on to the next. Nobody entered any of the rooms throughout the time making us a little skeptical if the traitor had somehow succeed in discovering our plan.

But putting an end to our anxiousness, the awaited man finally showed up. Just as we were keeping an eye on the second last room, a person entered the room during the absence of both of the bodyguards and seeing that, vegas and I jumped out of our seats to rush towards the document room.

The whole room was dark, we entered with silent footsteps and Vegas took out his gun as I cautiously closed the door behind us. The sound of small movements occuring were emerging from a corner, momentarily relieving us that the man was still there. Both of us walked towards the source of the sound, and there he was, right infront of us, the mole rummaging through a few documents to probably leak more useful information.

Vegas crept behind him and placed the gun against his head and as soon as the cold metal touched his head, he looked up and even in the dim light I could see the horror enveloping his eyes. I switched on the light to see who it actually was and to and not to my surprise, it was - Ken. The colour had faded from his face fearing his own death since he had been caught by Vegas himself and looked as if he couldn't move his body no matter how hard he tried to.

"So it's you. No wonder you were behaving so suspiciously from the past few days. " I said and he turned his head to glare at me that not even by a bit could intimidate me.

"You want me to gauge your eyes out?" Vegas said with a calm tone but his eyes were filled with rage that somehow made even that calm tone sound extremely threatening.

Ken shuddered as he gulped hoping to be saved but heavens were definitely not on his side, for before he could properly even take his gun out, vegas noticed it and in the split of a second, twisted his arms pinned him to the the ground, rendering him incapable of fighting back.

"On whose commands did you do this?" Vegas asked but ken didn't reply making him angrier.

"I asked on whose commands did you do all this?!" Vegas asked again with a louder tone while pushing ken's whole upper body down with his knee and tugging his arms painfully as if he was really going to detach his arms from his body making him scream.

"Are you sure you don't want to answer me while I am still being extremely merciful?" Vegas threatened him, warning him about the sufferance that was awaiting him if he didn't open his mouth while he still had the chance.

Ken's loyalty started wavering after hearing the sentence and all it took was a little more pain to be induced by Vegas for him to finally spill everything.

"I don't know who it is, I've never seen him, I just have to hand over the offline copy of the documents everytime after acquiring, it in return for the money!"
He said in a single breath stopping vegas and making him loosen his hold on ken.

"When are you going to meet him again?" I asked.

"T-Tonight" He replied and Vegas looked at me before nodding as he got up to catch the master of the mole interested in snooping around the house so much.

( Due to some issue, this chapter got unpublished accidentally...sorry to everyone who thought this was a new chapter, as an apology I'll try my best to update a new one today <3 )

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