Chapter 26

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Pete's POV:

"I shouldn't bother Vegas with my problems and family." I thought to myself feeling a little bitter while using the word family.

He had been staying busy from the past few days with helping Khun kinn take care of different matters and I didn't want to put more stress on him by bothering him with my problems. It had been five days since I had met that man who was supposed to be called 'my father' and was also the last day out of the amount of time he had given me to think everything through.

"10:30 am, my phone read, I was holding it fighting with my own dilemma if I should call him or not. Mae's belongings were precious but I did not have even an ounce of trust in him.

But finally I dialed his number since I couldn't avoid doing so for more time anyways.

"Hello?" I said.

"Eh? Look who finally called! You sure took your sweet time to make a decision." His voice said from the other side.

"Be grateful I am calling you at all" I said bluntly.

" cold. Your mother was better than you, atleast she did not have a sharp tongue unlike you. Otherwise her dead body would've been missing a tongue" His said, sniggering nastily.

"You-" I was about to scream at him for saying sh*t about mae but he cut the call off before I could even do so.
I looked up, sighed and started taking deep breaths to calm myself down. Right then, my phone beeped and a message popped up. I had received an address from an unknown number, it was no doubt that the message was from him and I had to give it all to fight my urge of blocking his number instantly. 

At night:

Vegas came into the room looking drained. The work was definitely taking a toll on him and I felt sad seeing him look so exhausted.

"Had a tough day love?" I said to him as I wrapped my arms around him and rested my chin on his head.

He was sitting on the sofa and looked up towards me after hearing that.

"Very" He said looking at me with puppy eyes. The little pout immediately melted my heart.

How can he always manage to look either hot or adorable?
I thought to myself.

"Why don't you wash up first? I'll bring your dinner." I smiled at him and he nodded.

A while later, just as I was setting the table, he came out of the washroom wearing a towel around his waist. His hair was dripping wet and he was looking pretty tired and sleepy.

"Come here" I said hopping onto the bed and signing him to sit on the floor right infront of me. He complied and sat down without any questions and leaned against my thighs and the bed frame. My legs were dangling on either sides on his body and my skin was feeling all tingly because of his breath that was brushing past my thigh.

I grabbed a towel instantly to divert my attention from the feeling and started wiping his hair. I gently yet thoroughly wiped every strand making sure that there was no extra water remaining to prevent him from falling sick.

After I was done, I dropped the towel and started massaging his shoulders. He let out a low groan and melted into it.

"This muscle stiffness and pain was killing me!" Vegas said grabbing my right hand and kissing the back of it.

"Do you like it?" I asked to hear a yes and preferably get a little more compliment but he didn't answer. Rather, a silence followed my question.
I felt a little wierd and leaned down to see what he was up to and to my pleasant surprise, he had dozed off. He was breathing softly, and his long eyelashes were shut down completely making him look like an angel in that moment of silence. And even though I did not want to do so, I had to wake him up since he had not yet eaten his dinner.

" get up. You are going to fall ill if you don't eat properly. Wake up love..." I said and kissed his face gently to wake him up. But instead of waking up, he whined and snuggled more into my leg.

My heart melted seeing him like that and after clicking a few photos of him to preserve the sweet memory, I got up and bringing the dinner plate along, shook him, finally waking him up.

But he was unwilling to eat anything. He was behaving like a proper 5 year old, throwing tantrums and refusing to eat which woke the protective and parental instincts inside me momentarily.

I made him sit beside me on the bed and being so sleepy, he leaned against my back, wrapped his arms around my waist and kept his head on my shoulder.

"Feed me" he said like a child. I chuckled hearing him, who could have imagined that he would be such a big baby.

I picked up a small piece from the plate and fed him. He kept obediently munching the morsels while looking pretty sleepy and occasionally fed me as well before collapsing against my back yet again.

The soft moment continued for a while but had to end just like all the other things. I lay his head down gently, being careful enough to not wake him up and kissed his forehead not wanting to leave the room.

"I love you..." I said as I caressed his smooth hair and getting up from the bed, pushed myself to get done with the work that I was supposed to do.

Third person POV:

Pete sat down in the car and loaded his gun looking determined and so full of hatred that his eyes held a different kind of madness as if he was ready to go on a rampage.

"How could you love such a man mae?" He said to himself trying to restrain his tears.

He exhaled and buried his nails into his skin to stop his sobs and himself from breaking down completely.
With slightly shaking hands, he wiped his whole face and after trying and stabilising his breathing, he set out in full speed to meet the nightmare of his life yet again.

"Mae...would you ever forgive me if I killed him?" He asked to himself knowing how much his mother had loved his father even though he had never treated her the way she deserved.

"Never have I ever wanted to see a person yet want to never see his face again so desparately." Pete said to himself not wanting to meet his father but his goal kept pushing him making him incapable of turning the car back.

While fighting with his inner turmoil, he finally reached the place his father had set as the meeting spot. He got out of the car and immediately saw his father standing infront of him, staring at him with a snarky smirk.

"Oh how much I want to wipe that smirk off his face!" He thought to himself. The meeting spot was located on the side of a desolated road with forest on either sides. Civilization was not set up very far from it and it still was an easily accessible area but pretty less used. Pete saw a warehouse at quite some distance but paid no attention to it, thinking of it as just another abandoned house.

"Ah what a beautiful night it is!" His father said as he started taking steps to come closer to him...

( Writer's thought : pretty excited for the next 1-2 chapters, hopefully will update soon and hoping that I'll be able to deliver perfectly what I have in mind<3 )

My Lost Lover ( Vegaspete ) ( 16+ ) Where stories live. Discover now