Chapter 25

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Pete's POV:

As I was left in a daze I heard footsteps approaching and immediately collected myself to prevent the dilemma from reflecting on my face.

"What happened?" Vegas said as he came running towards me, slightly panting from all the chasing.

"Ken ran away." I said.

"The other one died" Vegas said as he massaged the bridge of his nose with an irritated expression.

"He got shot" He continued as he looked up and sighed.

"Someone else also knew about all this. The one behind all this, for whom these two were working." I said as I thought to myself of who could it possibly be.

"Do you think ken had somehow informed them about this after we caught him?" I asked trying to walk through all the events that had happened previously to get my hands on even the smallest of clues.

"Doesn't look like it. Ken was under strict supervision throughout, I doubt he could inform them while dodging everyone's eyes. We wouldn't have been able to catch him so easily had he been that slick and smart." He said and I couldn't argue. But neither could I ignore my premonition.

"I can't guess if there were people tailing Ken during every information exchange or were they there today because from somewhere they had obtained the hint of ken getting caught. But it's wierd that they only shot one while allowed ken to run away." Vegas said trying to connect any dot possible to atleast guess what their plan must be.

"Yes. Killing Ken would've been a more reasonable decision. What even are they upto?" I grumbled.

"Nothing seems to add up." I said, feeling as if we were missing out a lot of things.

Both of us got in the car to drive away from the scene since we didn't seem to be making any progress anyway. And throughout the journey back I was completely quiet and lost in my own trail of thoughts, fighting with my own dilemma to make out what was right and what was not. Vegas also seemed to notice my conflict but did not say anything to probably give me a little time alone to arrange them for which I felt pretty thankful at the moment.

"Pete..." He said softly making me turn my attention towards him.

His eyes had a calm look in them as if they were trying to look through mine. He placed his hand on top of mine and intertwining our fingers landed a gentle kiss on my hand.

"You look concerned about something. And I just know what it's not related to this information leak case." He said looking directly into my eyes but I averted my gaze and kept mum not knowing what to answer.

Someone from my past whom I had prayed so long for to not have an encounter with ever again had all of a sudden raged a storm in my life with his unexpected appearance. My mind felt too messed up to even explain anything to him.

Seeing how I was intentionally trying to avoid answering him he sighed and looked over towards me once more before continuing.

"You can tell me about it whenever you are comfortable. But I want you to remember that I am always here for you. No matter what it is, whenever you feel unsure about something you can come running to me, advice, hug or simply sitting together in silence, whatever you need, I am willing to give it to you." He said. His voice sounded so sincere that it made me feel secure like even if the whole world rejected me, I had someone I could turn back to. The sudden meeting had somehow shaken me up quite a bit, brought back the terrible memories of the time when he constantly kept beating me up, cursing me out and kept trying to instill the seeds of self doubt and insecurity in me. But those words from vegas seemed to work magically at the moment, relieving my stress a little bit.

My Lost Lover ( Vegaspete ) ( 16+ ) Where stories live. Discover now