Chapter 15

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" Remove all photos of pete present in his room and this whole house! Every single trace of him! Make it look like he never existed in this house. Do not talk about him, do not utter even a single word infront of anyone about him. " Korn said as he ordered everyone to remove every evidence of pete being present in Teerpanyakul house.

While vegas was still unconscious, no one protested against his decision except two people.

" You can't do that! Pete has been loyal to this house since a long time! You can't just overlook everything and erase every trace of him from this house! It's not fair!! " Porsche said not being able to believe the order that korn had given.

" If erasing his existence from this house is what can end my son's misery then I am more than willing to do it. " Korn said with determination in his voice.

" But phaw!- " Tankhun joined in to help Porsche in persuading his father but was cut-off mid sentence.

" Enough! I will not listen to any argument over this anymore. My orders are absolute and no one can make me change them! " Korn said strictly, shutting down both Porsche and Tankhun.

Feeling angry over the one-sided decision taken by him, Porsche and Tankhun stormed out of the room feeling helpless.

A few hours later, Vegas finally gained consciousness and extended his hand towards the nightstand to bring Pete's photo but jumped onto his feet on not being able to find it.
He rummaged through the drawers and his wardrobe for his photo but there weren't any traces left of him, in his room. Not even the photos that they had clicked together.

He immediately ran out of his room and into Pete's room to find out what was going on but a huge shock was awaiting him in Pete's room.
The whole room was empty, it had been thoroughly cleaned out, as if nobody had ever occupied that room!

He searched nearly the whole house, every nook and cranny that he could, in hope of finding atleast a single item ever possessed by pete but there was not even a single trace of him anywhere, as if Pete was just a person out of his own imagination who had simply never existed in reality, in his house.

" Where is everything?! " Vegas asked anxiously as he grabbed Chan's collar.

" Please calm down Khun Vegas, I have no idea what you are talking about. " Chan said with a straight face.

" Don't you dare play dumb with me!! Where are the things that belonged to pete?!! " Vegas screamed as he started vigorously shaking him back and forth by the collar.

" Khun Vegas I have no idea what you are talking about. I think you need more rest, please calm down and let me escort you to your room. " Chan said as he tried to calm him down.

" Don't f*ck with me!! " Vegas screamed as he pushed him away by his collar.

" Ohh now I get it. " Vegas said with madness visible in his eyes by now.

" HA-HAHAA-HAA-AHHHHAAAA why couldn't I see it earlier?! " Vegas said as he started laughing hysterically.

" Phaw ordered you all to do this didn't he?! What do you all think huh?! You can make me forget pete just by hiding his things from me?! I WILL SCOOP MY OWN EYES OUT IF THAT'S WHAT IT WILL TAKE FOR PHAW TO BRING BACK EVERYTHING RELATED TO HIM! I WILL DO ANYTHING IT TAKES TO SEE HIM AGAIN! ANYTHING! " Vegas said with an expression so serious and filled with madness that it made everyone believe that he won't cower away from doing even the most absurd sounding things to get Korn to take back his orders regarding Pete.

Vegas stormed out of the place and entering his room slammed the door close behind him. He kneeled on the floor feeling helpless as his heart started throbbing painfully again wanting to see pete for one more time.

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