Chapter 9

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" Pete...I-I am really in love with you. " Vegas said holding Pete's hand in his.

" I don't know how you feel about me but I can't imagine my life without you anymore. " He said looking straight into Pete's eyes.

" I- I " Pete stuttered but Vegas placed a finger on his lips shushing him down.

" Shush. You can take your time to reply. You don't need to hurry. " He said cupping his own face with Pete's hands.

" I-I LOVE YOU TOO KHUN VEGAS!" But instead of waiting Pete screamed in a single breath shocking Vegas. And as soon as he realized what pete had just said, he got delighted out of his wits and immediately picking pete up brought his face closer his own face and just as their lips were merely a few centimetres away from each other, the alarm clock rang loudly making pete fall off the bed.

" Aaaaaaaa " he groaned sitting up as he massaged his nose.

" What the?! It was a dream?! " He said to himself groaning again. He threw his head back out of frustration but unfortunately it hit the edge of the bed making him even more frustrated.

" Arghhh " His eyes watered up due to the pain and he remained sitting on the ground, curled up beside the bed, refusing to get up.

" I wanna cry. " He said to himself though not seriously as his head throbbed slightly due to the impact.

He kept whinning for about 10 minutes more before he had to eventually get up. He started walking towards the washroom while stomping his feet because of how pissed he was for having to wake up so early in the morning but accidentally bumped into a table. He immediately let out a low scream out of pain and sat down holding his foot.

" Today's really the worst. " He said annoyed by everything.

After getting ready he went to Vegas' room to serve him his breakfast. He opened the door letting himself in and after setting the tray down, was about to leave the room but was stopped by Vegas.

" What happened to your foot? Why are you limping all of a sudden? " He asked me while wiping his face.

"I bumped into a table this morning that's why. " I said not wanting to remember the annoying events from earlier.

He looked deep in thoughts for a moment before he looked up towards me again and in a go swiftly picked me up in his arms and walking towards the sofa, set me down. The memories of the dream immediately came flowing into my mind making me blush even more.

" Have you had your breakfast? " He asked popping a strawberry into his mouth before dragging the trolley towards me.

" Not yet. " I replied.

" Good. Join me then. " He said taking a seat beside me after setting down a plate full on mouth-watering food between us.

" I am fine. I am not hungry yet. " I said trying to avoid the situation. Though I was practically starving and wanted to gobble everything down, I did not have the heart to eat the meal that I had brought for him.

" But I am, and I don't want to eat alone. " He said picking up a spoon.

" Here eat up. " He said blowing over a spoonful of thick broth to cool it down before bringing it near my mouth.

I finally let go of my insistence of eating later and let him feed me.
As soon as the broth hit my mouth, my taste buds immediately opened and I nearly melted from tasting something so delicious. He smiled seeing me and fed me another spoon until we both were done eating.

After we both were quite full he set the spoon down and kept the plate away.

" Thanks to you the breakfast was enjoyable. " Khun Vegas said sitting back.

" Hm...the food was delicious today. " I said, not thinking much about what he had just said since it probably was a mere formality anyway.

" Yeah it was, but I liked watching your reactions more. Do you know? Your eyes start sparkling when you get really interested in something. " He said putting his face on his hand.

At that moment he looked so lovely that I just wanted to snatch him and kiss him with every bit of passion contained in me. But holding back my not-so-holy thoughts and desires, I stood up to leave the room.

" I've got some work, I should be going now. " I said grabbing the trolley to take it along.

But he grabbed the other end of it not allowing me to take it.

" Your foot is injured, you're gonna have a hard time taking it all by yourself, leave it here. I'll take it, so you should just go, complete whatever work you've got to do and then focus on getting better so I won't need to do this. Take care. " He said smiling softly at me before dragging the trolley out leaving me all alone in the room.

I felt a small warm sensation wrapping my body and a slight tingle in my heart but ignoring it I left the room, though yearning to spend more time with him.

A few hours later :

A few hours had passed since I had last seen Khun Vegas. And for some reason I just couldn't seem to focus on my work.

" Why can't I stop thinking about him?! " I screeched while pulling my hair.

His face and the dream from earlier kept flashing infront of my eyes again and again making me loose all my focus.

I finally gave up on getting any work done and lied down on my bed to give my mind a little rest.

" Do you know how sexy you are? "

And there it was again, along with the dreams the memories from the day before had also started flowing into my mind irritating me even more.

" What the hell is wrong with me?! " I said to myself. The feelings were confusing for me to say the least. It was the first time I was having such feelings towards someone and didn't know what actually were they.

" Ahhhhh!!! The more I try to stay away from him the more I yearn to spend time with him. " I thought as I squeezed the pillow burying my head into it.

I wanted to share everything with someone to sort my own feelings out but I just couldn't think of anyone. But fortunately right then, someone popped into my mind. The one I trusted the most after my grandma and the one who was willing to always listen to me with all his heart - Porsche.

I instantly sat up and without thinking about anything else ran straight to him. By the time I reached, I was heaving so much that it got him all worried.

" W-what's wrong? Did something happen?! Why did you come running to me?!! Do I need to kill someone?!!! " He said, intensity of his worries increasing with each question.

"'s n-ot like that. " I somehow succeeded in saying while trying to catch my breath.

" Wait! Wait! Sit down first and drink some water. " He said handing me a glass of cold water and taking a seat infront of me.

" Now...tell me, what's wrong? " He asked looking at me with worrying curiousity.

" Um...can two people who are not in love kiss? " I asked doubtfully since I didn't even know what to ask exactly.

" You can running all the way here just to ask that? " He said - face-palming.

" Just answer it would ya? " I said, impatient to know the answer.

" Why? Do you wanna kiss me? " Porsche said with a teasing me.

" Do you wanna get beaten up? " I said threatening to hit him.

" See? kissing is only for the people you love. " He said knocking some sense into me.

" Is that so? " I asked while I was in a trance after hearing that. To which he nodded confirming that I had not misheard his words.

( Writer's thought : sorry I just couldn't stop myself from adding these dialogues from the original XD <3 )

I returned back to my room after a while more of talking to him. But his words kept ringing in my ears for rest of the day. And for some reason I didn't want to deny his beliefs.

Maybe I was indeed in love.

My Lost Lover ( Vegaspete ) ( 16+ ) Where stories live. Discover now