Chapter 28

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1 hour ago:

Vegas was sitting in his office and working on some project that kinn had assigned him when his phone suddenly started ringing and the screen flashed an unknown number.

Vegas' POV:

"Hello" I said after picking up the phone but nobody responded. The line was dead silent for a second and just as I was about to keep it down thinking that it must have been a prank by someone, a heavy voice came from the other side, sending chills down my spine. It was not a voice that I couldn't recognise...

"Sounds like you hit puberty...your voice has sure gotten heavier." The voice scoffed and my blood started to boil. It definitely belonged to Dras! The same heavy voice and was all the same as it was years ago...

After Mae's death and my revenge, he had somehow managed to kidnap Khun and had brought him along to Italy, hoping to kill him right infront of my eyes. But because of being rather new to the bloodshed, he had failed to set-up a good plan. He had forgotten to check the activities and schedules of every family member because of being too hung up on me and Khun. As a result of the lousy plan that he had laid down, he immediately got caught by phaw who had happened to be in Italy during that time for a meeting.

Phaw was going to kill Dras but he somehow managed to escape and ended up getting caught by the police. He probably intentionally did it out of fear of dying and his desparate attempt ended in a success since phaw let go of him as he did not want to meddle in matters involving law as well as did not want to cause any unnecessary bloodshed.

However, this incident brought up the memories of the time when Khun was kidnapped during his childhood leaving a significant impact on him.

"I have a rather good news for you, your little lover is safe in my hands...but I can't guarantee for how long~" his voice drifted as he spoke in a sniggering and carefree manner.

Years later, he had not only managed to escape from the prison but also kidnap Pete.

"I swear I'll make you see hell if you even think of causing him any harm!" I said in a threatening tone but he didn't seem to care.

"Oh! What a scary little boy!~ Don't worry am not as cruel as you think" He said making me confused but revealed the meaning behind his words the very next second, making my blood boil.

"I'll be sure to kill you along with your lover, so you two can reunite in hell!~" He said and started laughing hysterically as if the thought of killing us both bought him unwonted joy.

He cut the call before I could say anything else and simply an address with a warning to come alone popped up on my phone screen. 

I couldn't afford to wait a second longer, I could feel the fear that I had felt on the night when I had lost Pete, creeping in. I was constantly praying for his well-being and even though every inch of my body wanted to slaughter anyone who dared to even think of harming pete, I was scared, scared of losing him, scared of not being able to see those eyes of his again, scared of not being able to hear his sweet voice once more. I was ready to give it anything to save him, the one who mattered so much to me.

POV Ends.

In the abandoned warehouse:

Chills ran down everyone's spine seeing the insanity held in Pete's eyes. A constant smile was adorning his lips. With his hands set free now, he ran upto the person who was standing closest to him, slit his throat with the blade that he was holding and snatching the gun from his hand, shot another one of the kidnappers. Everything happened so fast that anyone barely had any time to register anything.
Most of the guards had been stationed outside to counter the main family's bodyguards if Vegas dared to bring them along leaving only a bunch of them to deal with Pete. He eliminated the ones present inside one-by-one. And the indiscriminate shooting eventually forced the remaining ones to retreat and wait for back-up.

"They summoned me over to join in with them
At the dance of the dead
Into the circle of fire I followed them
Into the middle I was led"

Pete sang in a low, prolonged tone. His voice was drenched in an uncomfortable melody. He danced leisurely to the tune while standing on the pool of blood flowing from the numerous dead bodies lying around him. The whole abandoned warehouse echoed with his song and laughs as he analysed every corner of the place with the black stones embedded in his sclera.

The sound of loud footsteps overpowered the subsequent silence that had spread after the song making pete look over towards the source. Those footsteps sounded like they were in a hurry, like they were in a longing.

"What are those damned guards doing out there?! How is Vegas here already?! Call everyone in!" Dras ordered out of desparation. Suddenly murdering Pete's father followed by Pete going berserk had deviated the plan significantly making Dras anxious.

"Khun Dras it seems he somehow murdered a few gaurds with movements so sleek that he could avoid unnecessary troubles to get into here." One of the guards informed earning a hateful glare from him.

"Tell them to immediately enter the warehouse!! I can't let him take pete away so easily!!" He said and stepped out of his hiding to take the matters directly into his hands.

Meanwhile Pete was still in a state of trance and his mind could not recognise Vegas.
Vegas immediately sensed it but saving pete was his priority at the moment and being shot by him was the last thing he cared about.

"P-pete, are you alright?" His voice cracked as he said. His eyes were flooded up but the tears had yet not started flowing, blocking his vision.

He carefully approached Pete to reduce the possibility of him hurting any of the two but before he could hug or even touch pete in an attempt to calm him down, dras came out of nowhere and crushed his dreams.

"DO NOT THINK THAT I WILL LET YOU TAKE A BREATH OF RELIEF AFTER UNDERTAKING SO MANY PAINS TO MAKE YOU SUFFER!" Dras screamed and shot Pete right in front of Vegas' eyes after not being able to restrain himself anymore.

Pete fell down to the ground immediately even before Vegas could understand the situation. The tears that were flooding his eyes finally flowed out as he got thrown into a deranged void. He looked down in a trance at the hot fluid that was flowing out of Pete's limp body and had reached Vegas' feet. He looked up at Dras making him realise immediately the extent of mistake he had committed. Vegas' eyes were red with rage and held murder in them. Dras' gaurds poured into the warehouse but Vegas started shooting and kiling everyone not for even once thinking about the possibility of himself dying amidst all this chaos.
At some point of time, the bodyguards of the Teerpanyakul family joined him upon Kinn's orders allowing him to follow Dras to hunt him down. Dras had barely escaped to some distance while protecting himself from all the bloodshed when Vegas got a hold of him all of a sudden. Dras tried to fight him but he was no match for the blood-crazed Vegas, completely blinded with fury.
Eventually Vegas succeeded in subjugating him and handed him over to his the bodyguards to take him to the underground prison.

"There's no way I am going to kill you so easily. You are going to beg for your death, start repenting!" Vegas said in an extremely threatening tone and expression making the prisoner gulp in terror. He knew his life was over, there was nothing that could save him from the wrath anymore. His non-existent luck had burned out already.

Pete had been sent to the nearest hospital immediately after the bodyguards had showed up but Vegas was still scared, he started praying for his well-being and while his eyes were closed, he collapsed because of a bullet that at some point had pierced his body.


( Writer memes :

1.Pete in this chapter was all about :       Ami je tomar, shudhu je tomar 💃

2. That awkward moment when you have been on a break for so long that you have no idea what was even going on in the story anymore 💀

Lyrics used : Dance of Death by Iron Maiden )

My Lost Lover ( Vegaspete ) ( 16+ ) Where stories live. Discover now