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"Babe, what's on your mind?" Zac asked Fatima as they sat soaking in their bathtub.

Fatima rested her head back on his chest. "I'm really just trying to put together a timeline."


"Yea. Like when did you decide all of this?" She said holding up her hand and admiring both her new and old rings.

It's been a month since Zac popped the question and things are going well for the Taylor gang. They had yet to officially move into their new home yet. Fatima was adamant that they waited until they got married so they wouldn't bring anything from the past into the present. Zac didn't care too much either way. He was just happy to have his woman back.

"If I'm being totally honest, I never got over you. Obviously. I talked to my therapist about it for months. But when we were in Paris, I saw your ex come out of a jewelry store and I knew it was now or never."

"But what if he would have proposed first?" Fatima asked, adding more hot water to their bath.

"I mean, I guess that was just a risk I was willing to take. But let's be honest T. There was no way you were going to say yes to that man. Yea. Sure, he was a good guy and he would make an incredible husband. Just, to someone else."

Fatima splashed water on him. "Really Zac?"

"what you mean really? Nigga you been spoken for!" Zac said getting hyped.

"Whatever." Fatima said smiling once again admiring her rings.

"Exactly." Zac said cockily.

"Are you sure you're comfortable with tomorrow?" Fatima asked sitting up to face him a bit.

"I'm not. But I trust you." Zac admitted looking deeply into her eyes.

Fatima kissed him. "Thank you. And I promise you it will all be fine."

"It better be. You ain't the only one that likes to shoot."

"Oh Stop"

"I'm serious. Look at me!" Zac demanded, putting on his serious face. " I will shoot that whole place up."

"Zac. Stop."

"Ok Tima. Just remember what I said." Zac said laying back in the tub once more.

"I hear you babe. And I promise. Everything will be fine."

"Daddddddyyyyyyyyy! Mommmmmmmmmmy!" Zane cried from the other side of the door. "Daddddddddddddy!"

Fatima and Zac rushed from the tub and grabbed their bathrobes. Zane came bursting through the door looking for them. "Mommy!"

"What's the matter baby?" Fatima took him into her arms, lifting him off the ground."

"I had a nightmare, and I peed my bed!" Zane cried into his mother's chest.

Fatima began to feel the wetness of his clothes seeping through her plush bathrobe. "Ok Baby. It's alright. Let's go get you cleaned up." She put him down so that he could walk. They held hands as they walked together to his room.

Zac fought the air. He thought that living with Fatima would make it easier to get in her pants. Instead, he realized that living with Fatima and Zane meant he would have to defend himself against his cock-blocking son. Zane had been having nightmares every day that week and each night it ended with him falling asleep in their bed and Fatima falling asleep right with him. He thought that if he didn't get any soon, he was going to burst in a not-so-good way. Zac drained the water from the tub and went down the hall to check on them.

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