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There were no words spoken when Zac and Fatima pulled into the driveway simultaneously. He hopped out of his car and raced to her car and held open the door for her as he waited patiently for her to exit. They exchanged hellos and entered the house.

Fatima laid her purse down on the counter and Zac stood on the other side waiting to update her on the situation at hand.

"Had a good run?" He was making small talk while she got situated.

"I didn't run. I had ice cream instead."

"Right. Right." Zac remembered they spoke about it a short while ago. "Ok. So I spoke to Andi about the picture."


"And basically I'd have to prove it was Noelle who posted them if I wanted too sue her. She's working on getting them taken down, but there's not much else to be done at the moment." Zac sat quietly waiting for Fatima's response.


"And what? That's it."

"So you haven't spoken to her?"

"There's nothing else to say to her. You heard her this morning, she wanna play games."

"Zac, I swear you love fucking with these wannabe crazy bitches."

"T." He gave her a knowing look.

"Nigga. Don't try me. This is not the time. And for the record. They play crazy. I'm the real muthafucking crazy. Remember that." She said getting worked up."

"Ok ok ok. I know. Look, we are in a really good space. I don't want this to ruin that. Can we please but this behind us? Andi Is handling it." Zac as trying with all his might to get back into Fatima's good graces.

"Fine Zac. But I swear if I even feel like this bitch is stepping out of line.." she pointed to where the bullet holes in the wall once were after shooting at his brother."

"Calm down killa. Everything is gonna be fine." Listen. Zane is gonna be gone for a while. How about we crack open some of these wedding magazines and start getting things done." Zac excited about remarrying Fatima. He already had a plan in motion, he just wanted to get an idea of what she wanted so that he could complete his plans. First things first. Pick a damn date

Fatima smiled for the repeat time today. "That actually sounds like a great idea. I'll get the wine and popcorn you get the magazines and a notebook. Meet on the couch In five."

Zac started to remind her that it was very early in the day but decided that he'd much rather a day drunk Fatima than the Fatima from this morning. So he did as he was told with a smile.

Two hours later Zac and Fatima had post-it notes, hi-lighters, and magazine clipping everywhere.
"Just so that we are clear, you want. Something bigger than our first wedding but still small and intimate. A lot of flowers but not in a garden, you don't want to wear white but maybe an off-white closer to white than not white. You do not want bridesmaids, but just Phoenix and Nichelle. And You're certain that you want to get married in exactly 7 months on what would have been the anniversary of our divorce, March 3rd. Did I miss anything?"

"You think I don't hear the sarcasm in your tone?" Fatima squinted her eyes at Zac. She knew exactly what she wanted! She was just having a hard time putting it into words. "I just want it to be perfect Sir. This is the last time I'm getting married." Fatima laughed.

"It better be!" Zac chimed in from his seat on the floor. "Yo my ass hurts (pause) sitting on this floor! You want anything from the kitchen?" Zac asked as he stood slowly.

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