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"Tima, you think you should be working out this hard?" Nichelle asked quietly but nodding toward her cousin's stomach.

Fatima looked around their home gym making sure that Zac wasn't paying attention to them. "Yea, I'm good. I spoke to my doctor about it and as long as I listen to my body, I'm good. Plus, I still have to fit into my dress next week." Fatima whispered back. Fatima had been doing a great job of hiding her pregnancy from Zac. Thankfully for her, the pregnancy Gods were shining down on her baby bump and it only barely looked as though she had a good meal.

Nichelle trusted her cousin's word but was also keeping a watchful eye on her. The trio finished their workout and departed ways for the rest of the afternoon. The kids were with their grandparents while the adults went about getting last-minute wedding prep done when Fatima got a message on her phone from Zac. "Babe, don't forget to drop that box off to the lawyer's office please." Fatima rolled her eyes at the message. The box that Zac was referring to was in his backseat. It was the clothes Rich would be released from prison in. She hit his number on the screen in her car and called him. "Zac. what are you talking about. The box is in your car. You said you would take it this morning." she said into the speaker with an attitude. She was in desperate need of her mid-day nap and was getting grouchy.

"Babe, I put it on the counter and asked you to take it that way since you'd be closer after your eyebrow appointment."

"When did you ask me that? I feel like going all the way back home and coming back this way. That's 45 minutes in traffic each way! And I'm already ten minutes away from home."

"I'm sorry, I thought you heard me. But today is the last day to get it over there." Zac was smiling on the other end of the call but Fatima could not tell.

Fatima sucked her teeth hard. "whatever Zac. Ill get it over there by messenger. I am not leaving this house again."

"Babe, I don't know if there's enough time for that."

"As much money as we pay that man, he can wait a fucking hour!" Fatima hollered into the phone.

Zac had to mute himself to stop from exposing his amusement. He knew how much she was looking forward to taking a nap. It had recently became her favorite thing. She, Amaya, and Nichelle were walking around the house all day talking about soft-life this and self-care that. It was driving him crazy living with three women, but operation keep the Tyrant Taylor at ease was going beautifully and that's all he cared about. Thankfully Zac still had his son to "boy-out" with. "You're right T. Ill call him and let him know it'll be a bit late." He wasn't actually going to call the lawyer. He didn't have to. The box had been delivered as promised. Truthfully, Zac just wanted to mess with her a little bit before giving her wedding gift number two.

"Ill call you back when I get in the house." Fatima ended the call. She was really looking forward to her nap. It was the one thing about her pregnancy that she thought would give her away. She was always sleepy."

"ok babe. See you when you get here." Zac said as she hung up hoping she would hear him.

Fatima came into the house through the front door yelling for Zac. She was confused as to why if he was home, he couldn't have taken the package to the lawyer himself. "Really Zac!" she called out as she turned the corner to the living room stopping dead in her tracks. "Zacccccccccc." Her anger immediately disappeared at the sight before her eyes."

"Wedding gift number two." Zac said pointing his camera at her to record her reaction. Fatima jumped up and down like a kid in a candy store. There were boxes and bags of all sizes from her favorite designers. "I thought you might need help with packing. So I picked a few things out." Fatima looked around the room speechless. In the midst of all the chaos, Fatima managed to count 14 bags and purses, 14 pairs of shoes, 20 dresses, and countless pieces of jewelry and new luggage to top it all off.

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