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Y'all almost got the rant first today before the chapter. But since i had to suffer through writing it, y'all can at least suffer through reading it..... or scrolling to the bottom lol. Either way imma make y'all wrk for this one today 😂

Zac and Fatima left the lunch with Zac having a lot to ponder. His parents seemed truly sincere in their apologies, and it meant a lot to him to hear them validate his feelings and finally take responsibility for their roles in his trauma. However, there was still a lingering feeling of distrust that he could not shake. He wanted to let them in, to have a relationship with Zane, to share moments with but something kept telling him that it was all too good to be true. Fatima watched as Zac drove, clearly deep in his thoughts. She reached over and caressed the back of his head and he expertly navigated the road. "Babe, You ok?"

"Yea babe, I'm good." He answered not taking his eyes off the road.

"I know lunch was a lot but just remember you can talk to me. I got you"

Finally, taking his eyes off the road for a moment, glanced over at her. "I know Taylor. I'm good though, I promise."

"I love you Zac."

"I love you too. we got the rest of the afternoon. Wanna do some retail therapy?"

"As long as you buying."

"Oh no problem. Imma take you to ross. Let you shop til you drop."

"I know that's where you're used to taking your exes, but My name is Fatima Taylor. Neiman Marcus has OUR card on file." she said flashing her ring for him to see.

"I have truly created a monster." Zac said playfully.

"yea but you love it over here. so much so that you spun the block on me!"

"I mean you cool or whatever."

That last comment ended up costing Zac three pairs of shoes, two purses, and two new pairs of shades for Fatima. He left the store with only a few shirts and a pair of sneakers for himself. "Fatima come on man, we gotta stop by the house to drop this stuff off so the kids can have somewhere to sit. You gonna make us late." Zac whined after Fatima told him she just needed to make one more stop at Target. "Babe I don't even have to go all the way into the store. I'm picking up my order at the counter. Relax, we're gonna be on time."

"Fatima. I've seen how you get in Target."

"Just forget it. I can come back out later. Let's just go." She said crossing her arms with an attitude.

"You better not have an attitude! I'm not playing with you Fatima. As much money as I just spent on ya ass you had better be all smiles. I will bring you back to Target after we get the kids. I just don't want to be late."

Parent teacher conferences went well for the kids. Amaya was adjusting nicely to her new school and Zane was loving having a "big sister" on campus. Don't argue semantics with him. That's his sister because he said so. As usual, all his teachers praised the parents for such a wonderful kid and the only complaint they all had was that Zane was Mr. Social. Which was safe to say he got from his father.


The house was finally quiet for a change. The kids were with Zac and Charles at the basketball game, Fatima was in those placing a grocery order and deciding on what outfits she should take to Atlanta for her upcoming workshop. With a blunt in her hand, Fatima danced around their bedroom to a classic Mary J. Blige song playing quietly in the background. "Just as she was getting ready to hit Mary's famous two-step Miriam's number flashed across her phone screen.

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