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"Tima wake up. It's finally over." Zac said rolling back the blanket she was cuddled under on the couch. Zac ad Fatima called themselves having a house date watching the award show but as soon as Busta started talking he lost Fatima for good. In her defense, the speech lasted three eternities. Zac even dozed off a few times. It was just a bit too chaotic for them. It was just before Midnight when Fatima's phone rang. It was Amaya. Fatima thought it was maybe an accident because she's never usually up this late. But at the last second, she decided to answer.

"Maya?" Fatima asked getting the last bit of sleep out of her voice.

"Tima have you seen my dad? I've been calling him all night."

"No baby I haven't seen him. Where are you?"

"I'm home. He left out here at 6 and said he was running to Target to get some bread and stuff to have in the house. I called Uncle Brandon but his number changed and I don't know who else to call."

"Ok. Baby. Get dressed I'm coming to get you. ill call your father and see what's going on."

Zac could hear the worry in Fatima's voice. She threw on her Ugg slippers and grabbed her purse as she called Rich's phone. Zac got up and threw on a shirt and met Fatima at the door. He couldn't stand Rich But he knew that leaving Amaya unattended was unlike him.

"I'll drive." Fatima sid trying to take the keys to Zac's truck from him.

"Girl get ya ass in the car," Zac said paying her no mind. He knew she was preoccupied with her thoughts. There was no way he was going to allow her to drive.

Fatima rolled her eyes at him and did as she was told. She called Rich 4 more times and sent just as many messages in the ten minutes it took Zac to get to his house. Fatima called Amaya so she could let her know to open the front door for her.

Fatima entered the house as Zac sat in the car giving them space. Amaya and Fatima packed an overnight bag for Amaya when Rich pulled into his driveway and got out his car. A bottle of vodka came crashing into the ground. Zac jumped out of his truck to try and intercept him. Amaya didn't need to see him like that.

"Hey Rich. You ok over here?" Zac asked him as he caught him mid-stumble."

"Hey. Wait. What are you doing here." He managed to get out through a slur."

"Mya called Tima worried about you."

"Shit. Mya."

"Rich, let's just go sit around back and talk. She dint need to see you like this.."

"Nigga I don't wanna talk to you!" Rich slurred trying to regain his composure. Snatching his arm away from Zac.

"Rich. I don't give a fuck. I don't like you either nigga. But we both love Fatima and Amaya. Now, Amaya is gonna walk out that door any minute. Do you want her to see you like this?" Zac snatched Rich's arm back up and lead him towards the backyard. Fatima heard the commotion out front and peeked out not realizing that Amaya ears it too.

Rich heard Zac and they made their way towards the back of the house when the front door opened and Amaya stepped into view. Rich saw the sadness in her eyes and hung his low in embarrassment. Fatima stepped into view next, ushering Amaya to the backseat of the truck. Fatima 2walked back to where Rich and Zac were standing. "Baby. Go to the car. I need to talk to him for a moment."

Zac left them reluctantly and sat with Amaya until Fatima returned.

"Rich, wtf? You left her home alone worried for hours, so you could go out and get pissy drunk? I don't know what you got going on right now but you better sort it out by the time I bring her home."

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