C. 13

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Zac and Fatima drove the twenty minutes to the meeting place at the lawyer's office as planned. Just as they pulled in, Fatima's phone rang. Hoping it was Richard, she answered without looking. "where have you been? I've been calling you all morning!" Fatima spat into the phone clearly annoyed.

When the voice on the other end responded she realized it was not Rich, but her manager informing her of a speaking opportunity. Fatima ended the call after apologizing and dialed Rich again. This time he answered.

"Ive been calling you all morning!" Fatima tried speaking calmly into the phone but her patience was already being tested.

"Fatima I can explain. I woke up this morning and my phone would not turn on. I tried all the chargers I had and nothing was working so I went to Walmart at 6 as soon as they opened and bought a new one. I literally just got off the phone activating it. I will be there on time. I swear.

Fatima rolled her eyes and accepted his response. There was really nothing else she could do. Zac and Fatima decided to park a street away from the lawyer's office. They were doing as best they could to avoid being followed just in case they were still following Rich.

30 minutes later, Zac and Fatima were the legal guardians of Amaya Forbs and Rich asked Fatima if she would mind giving him a second to talk to Zac alone. She looked beside her for confirmation from Zac.  He gave her hand a quick squeeze letting her know that he would behave himself and she waited in the hall of the mostly empty office.

"Zac, I uhh. I just wanted to really thank you. I know that I am undeserving of yall's help and I know the only reason that I am even getting it is because of her but man to man I wanted to say thank you. I also wanted to apologize for the danger I put your family in."

"Rich. You shouldn't be thanking me. You should be thanking her and apologizing to her and to Amaya. It is clear as day that you love your daughter and I know why you did what you did, but you really don't know how lucky you are that Fatima's heart is truly made of gold.  And it's quite frankly selfish of you to bring her into this."

"I accept that. and I will apologize to her and everyone. But I need to ask you one more favor." Richard handed Zac an envelope. If anything happens to me, please make sure to get this to Amaya. Its all her information, college savings accounts, pictures, bank accounts and everything."

"Yea man." Zac said reluctantly, taking the envelope and tucking it under his arm. "let's get outta here. I gotta get Fatima home."

"You a good man Zac."

"I appreciate it."

The door to the lawyer's office opened and Zac headed directly for Fatima who had found a bench in the hall to rest in. she was talking to their lawyer about referrals for a lawyer for Rich if he needed. When the men approached, Fatima thanked the man for his time, signaling the end of the conversation.

"hey baby, ready to go?" He asked taking her hand in his.

"Yes. I am. Everything good?"

"Yea we good." Zac answered.

"Rich, you should head out first. We will stick around for a few minutes and then head out after."

"Yea, you're probably right. Fatima, I just wanted to thank you and apologize for this mess and to let you know that I am in your debt."

"Thank you, but that won't be necessary. Remember, I am not doing this for you. I am doing it for her."

"I understand." Rich said with his head hung low. "Well either way. I really do appreciate it." Although Fatima was beyond annoyed with him for putting her in this situation, she couldn't help but see how broken the man before her was and feel bad for him.

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