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"Has it been three minutes yet?" Zac was pacing back and forth by the foot of their King sized bed. Fatima sat on the corner with the test resting on her thigh. "Zac I jus sat down. Please calm down."

"I'm calm. It's just that, you could be carrying my princess right now. I need to know." Zac said finally standing still.

It dawned on Fatima that although they'd never had the conversation about kids, Zac very much wanted more. Once upon a time, it was their dream to have four children. Foolishly they predicted two of each sex with two dogs. The timer going off from Fatima's phone interrupted her thoughts. "She said a silent prayer for strength and then opened her eyes and flipped the test over slowly. "Negative" she said aloud. In her head she thanked the heavens but the disappointment on Zac's face couldn't be as easily hidden as her joy. Fatima observed him for a moment. She thought about starting up a conversation about what she noticed but thought it may not be the right time. So instead she invited him back to bed. It was 4am. The only reason they were both up was because Zac felt Fatima waking up to use the bathroom and wanted to get the earliest pee he could as per her directions. Neither of them slept as they laid silently beside one another. Zac, deep in thought about what it would had it been like had she turned out to be pregnant. Fatima, punishing herself for being so careless with her birth-control and trying to figure out how to tell Zac that sh didn't want to have another child.

They eventually drifted back into sleep but Zac's phone was buzzing like crazy for the last 5 minutes with social media notifications and fatima was annoyed by the disruption. "Zac whoever that is blowing ya phone up better have a check large enough to buy the entire Georgia."

Zac groaned as he grabbed his phone off the nightstand and read the time. It was 6:48am. "Real estate mogul dating Model/actress Noelle sky." He read aloud. He sat up and opened the instagram profile to see what that was about. Fatima was sitting up right beside him now looking at her phone. "Zachary. What the fuck is this?" She said seeing the picture of Zac in a hotel bed asleep beside Mall girl.

"What the fuck yo!" Zachary said leaping out of bed once the picture finally loaded for him."

"Baby I swear It's not what it looks like!"

"So its not you in bed with the bitch?"

"Yes but baby that's old! I haven't seen or spoken to her since we saw her that day at Waffle House." Zac was pleading his case.


"No Fatima! I swear!"

"Call her." Fatima demanded walking towards him.

"Tima. No. I'm not calling this girl but I swear to you. On Zane! This is old!" Zac never swore on their son but he needed Fatima to know how serious he was.

"call her." Fatima said slowly.

"Fuck!. Fine. I have to unblock the hoe's number first." Zac tapped away on his iPhone as Fatima stood in front of him watching and waiting.

"Put it on speaker. Do not play with me."

Zac hit the speaker phone and they listened as it rang three times before anyone answered.

"Miss me already" Noelle purred into the phone.

"Noelle I don't know what kind of Fuck shit you on but you need to take that picture down and stop playing with me."

"Babe, what picture? I don't know what you're talking about." Noelle cried into the phone faking innocence.

"Noelle please don't piss me off right now. I don't know what you're on it like I said the last time we spoke. Let this be the last time we speak."

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