
978 61 70


"Hey baby. Ya daddy sent you a letter. it's over there on the counter." Fatima said nudging her head in the direction that Amaya should look. Amaya looked at the counter and then back at Fatima. "can I read it later?" Amaya asked which was unlike her. Normally, she'd tear into the envelope and read her father's letter immediately.

"Sure, is everything ok?'' Fatima asked noticing the lack of excitement.

"Ma. I just want to see him."

"I know babe, but I agree with your dad on this one. Prison is no place for a child."

"I am not a child!"

"Amaya, as intelligent and as mature you are, you are still a child. And sweetheart I hate to break it to you, but you will always be his child. Doesn't matter how old you are. You're always gonna be his baby."

"This shit sucks." Amaya said crossing her arms in front of her.

"Don't say shit. But yes, it does. I know you've been dealing with a lot, but I promise you this will all be over soon. Your dad is set to get out in 5 months and things will be back to normal before you know it. " Fatima tried to reason with her.

Unaware of the situation, Zac entered the kitchen where the ladies stood. "How lucky am I? I get to come home to the most beautiful ladies in the room. Zac asked still unaware of what he just walked into.

"Hey baby. Dinner should be ready in 30 minutes."

Zac kissed Fatima on the cheek and turned to do the same to Amaya like he did every day. "Hey babygirl."

She dodged his kiss and shouted at him. "I'm not your babygirl!" Before storming off.

Zac turned in shock to see Fatima shaking her head. "What the fuck was that?"

"That was a preteen missing her father. Give her some time and I'll go talk to her."

"Actually babe. I think I'd like to try talking to her."

"Umm. You sure? You don't have much experience with teen girls."

Zac patted himself on the chest. "I have been known to be pretty smooth with the ladies. I think I can handle a thirteen-year-old."

Fatima laughed. "Whatever you say sir. Your son is down the street at the little boy Elijah's house."

"Oh that's wassup. I'm glad to see him making friends over here.." Fatima turned back to the kitchen way from Zac to turn off the pot on the stove behind them. Hey, so I wanted to talk to you about something. I texted my mother last night and asked her to do lunch this week. She responded and wants to know if Thursday is good."

Fatima was stunned by the news that he was arranging lunch with his parents. It wasn't that he was doing it. It was more so the fact that she didn't have to push him to do so. It seemed as though his parents were genuine about doing whatever it took to be part of his life and it was for solely that reason why she supported the reunion. "Ok. Well does it work for you? I know you said lunch but the only thing on the schedule is parent teacher conferences but that isn't until the evening."

"Yea I checked but I wanted to make sure that you were free too. Like you didn't have any appointments or anything."

Realizing what he was asking, "Zac, Are you sure you want me there?

"You being there is the only way I'm going. "


"No, Im serious babe. I can't do this without you."

Fatima smiled at him. "You can. But you ain't have too. Thursday is fine."

"Thank you babe. Ok. Lemme go change and check on the medium monster." Zac smacked Fatima on the ass as he walked out the kitchen.

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