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Zac smiled as he walked to where the defeating screams were coming from. He stood in the doorway watching as Fatima jumped up and down squeezing her gift to death.

"Fatima, I'm expecting dessert." Zac said cockily.

"You can have the whole meal!"

"I feel like y'all are talking about sex and that's nasty." Nichelle said pushing Fatima off her, causing the room to erupt into laughter.

"We are! How did he get you here? How long are you gonna be here? " Fatima rattled off questions wiping the tears from her eyes.

"Your husband called and said you needed some cousin time. So you know I had to come see my fav. And guess what? Im here til the wedding!"

He girls squealed and jumped up and down again like schoolgirls. Zac could tell that Fatima needed a pick me up. Although they got through the little pregnancy moment without too much of a hiccup, he could feel a tension rising and he needed Fatima in a good mood all the way to the altar.

Fatima practically leapt into Zacs arms smothering him with kisses. "I don't deserve you!! Thank you baby!!"

"Enough of that already! Where are the kids?" Nichelle covered her eyes at the sight of them.

Fatima climbed down from Zac's waist still on a high from her surprise. "Oh stop acting like a prude. Besides this is all your fault anyway."

"How is this my fault?" Nichelle asked confused. She stood in the kitchen with her.

"You remember Paris? All that stuff you were in my ear about. Me and Zac not being finished. How I was gonna have boring sex and a boring life with Rich and all the other stuff you said."

"And look, I was right. You're welcome." She said sticking her tongue out at her cousin.

Zac chimed in from the other side of the room."Chelle you always been a real one. That's why you my favorite. You never gave up on ya boy."

"Guyssssssss bring it in!!" Nichelle joked to everyone bringing them together for a group hug.

Zac was happy to see his woman smiling like a kid in a candy store. He wanted to make the journey down the aisle as simple as possible for her. Just show up and say I do. They were exactly 34 days away from "Taylor Everlasting". He'd hired the best of the the best to pull off a surprise wedding fit for his queen. He approved every purchase,, every flower,, every music note to be played. He wanted to make sure that this time around Fatima knew the how deep his love for her flowed. The trio sat in the kitchen awhile longer before he left to pick the kids up from the pep rally. He returned home to a text letting him know that Fatima and Nichelle were going over to Phoenix's and they'd be back later. There were also directions for him to finish assembling a gift for Zane that the ladies started. Zac got started on dinner, grub hub for the win.


"Aunnntiiiie Chelle!!! Zane said seeing his mother walk through the door that evening. "Daddy! Aunty Chelle is here!" Zane yelled through the house. He ran into her arms and gave her the biggest hug.

"Look at my handsome Nephew! Omg Fatima, you gonna have your hands full with the girls that's gonna be on him." Nichelle said smiling at Zane who has started posing like a model for GQ. "Boy, you just like ya daddy."

"Oh, he already has himself a little girlfriend. Her name is Bella. I swear I did all that work to get him here, just for him to be the carbon copy of his father. He acting like him right now. You only see auntie Chelle standing here?

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