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Fatima walked into her apartment and looked around. The cleaners Zac hired did an amazing job of almost making it look as though there was never a break-in. As she looked around, she could feel Rich's eyes on her. She forgot that she hadn't told him what happened, so he was watching her look like a visitor in her home.

"How have you been?" He asked bringing her back to reality. "Amaya tells me that you guys spoke a few times."

"I've been good. Really good." She admitted reflecting on the past month. "Yes. I wanted to talk to you about that. I hope you aren't upset. You know how much she means to me, how much we mean to each other and I don't want that to change." Fatima offered Rich a seat at the table so they could continue their discussion.

Rich accepted the seat. "Fatima I would never think a of getting between the two of you. On top of ho close you were, I know how she was with Zane ad I wouldn't never want to break their hearts like that." Rich's speech was halted when he noticed something behind Fatima. "Are those bullet holes?"

Fatima didn't turn around. She didn't have to. She'd already noticed the three holes he was referring to. The cleaning crew did a good job but they'd missed a few spots. "Umm. Yea." She said.

Rich stood from his seat to inspect the holes further. "Fatima what happened? Were you hurt?" He said turning back to face her.

"I'm fine. Three men broke in and trashed the place. They didn't get much and I was able to shoot one of them but missed the other two." Fatima rambled on not wanting to go too deep int the story. "Yea. The police haven't been able to figure who and why but I am not stressing it. It's time for a fresh start anyway. This place holds too many memories." She thought aloud.

"Well I am so glad you're ok." Rich said with a slight rub of her arm.

"Thank you. So, Amaya's birthday party is coming up and she asked me to come. I just wanted o make sure that you were comfortable with it."

"Yes. Fatima. I promise you, I am just fine. But will Zac be ok with it?" Rich took her hand in his noticing her rings for the first time.

Fatima slid her hand from his.

"It's ok T. I knew a long time before it was over that your heart was torn between us two. I also knew and came to terms with the fact that although you loved me, your heart knew that you were settling for me. I couldn't let you live a life filled with the illusion of happiness. I Loved you enough to free you. I'm glad you're happy and the rings are beautiful. A lil more than I would expect you to wear. But they are beautiful. Congratulations." Rich smiled breaking the tension in the room.

"Hush. It's two separate rings. But thank you Richard. For everything. I don't know another man that would be as gracious as you have been. I hope you know that my feelings for you were real and that in another lifetime, we would have been perfect for each other."

"Alright enough of this sappy stuff. Let me grab my stuff and get home. Amaya is having friends over this afternoon."

"Yes, she told me. Sounds like a lot of loud noise and middle school gossip. Don't embarrass her!" Fatima warned him.

Fatima led the way to the bedroom where there were boxes assembled and stacked near the closet. They enjoyed the small talk as Rich packed the empty boxes full of clothes and other items.

Fatima pulled out her phone and sent Zac a message letting him know that she was almost done and would be home soon. When he was done packing away all his things, they said their goodbyes and headed their separate ways. Fatima decided to stop at Target on her way home to pick up a few things.Thirty minutes later, Fatima was checking out a cart for $432.98.

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