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"So why won't he let me meet her?" Amaya cried into Fatima's lap.

"Your dad doesn't believe that it is safe for you to do that. Your mother is associated with some very bad people and your father is just trying to protect you from that lifestyle."

"Ok but Just because she knows bad people doesn't mean that she is a bad person. That's what you told me!"

"Baby I know, and your father has a better explanation than I do but please believe me when I say he only did what he did because he wanted to keep you safe ok. Don't be too hard on him." Fatima stroked Amaya's hair as she continued crying trying to make sense of the little bit of information she got.

"I don't want him to go to jail." Amaya cried

"He won't My. Everything is going to be ok. I know all of this is confusing and a lot to take in, but I'v got you ok? Have I ever let you down before? No! So let Mama Tima work her magic!" Fatima said trying to cheer her up giving her a little shake to loosen up the stiff moment.

The girls spent another thirty minutes together upstairs talking until Miriam knocked on the door to invite Amaya Into the sitting room for a movie with Pop Pop and Zane.

Amaya was feeling better but not good enough to socialize. "Thanks MeeMee but I think I'm just gonna stay in here and listen to my music until I fall asleep."

Amaya looked at Fatima. "I'm gonna assume, I wont be in school tomorrow."

"you'd assume right. Your Dad emailed the school and let them know. You'd be out for the week due to a family emergency"

"Oh that's what we are calling it." Amaya said slick.

"Now alright Ms. Forbes." Fatima said shooting her a cautionary look. "You still gotta make it to 12." Fatima said with a smile.

"I'm sorry. Ill stop."" Amaya said offering an innocent smile of her own. "Alright. Lemme go check on Zane. I love you. You know where to find me if you need me.

"Oh. Do you think I can get my phone back?" She asked

"Lemme check with Zac. But I think he may need to hold onto it for the night." Fatima patted Amaya on the butt and left the room to check on Zane. He was in the shower getting ready for his movie night with his grands. "Mom!! Privacy!!" Zane shouted covering himself in the glass shower stall.

Fatima shut her eyes and covered them with her hand. "Sorry baby! I was just checking on you."

"I'm fine mom!"

Fatima left the room holding in her laughter. Zac was still in the den typing away on his laptop when she got back downstairs. She entered the room and stopped at the bar to grab the decanter to refill his empty whiskey glass. When she was done she sat the glass down on the desk and took a seat on the edge.

"How is she?" He asked her taking a break from the laptop.

"She's a tough girl. Shes gonna be ok. But lets talk about you. What made you come up with the idea to give us guardianship?"

"I thought about something my wife said."

"Oh you got a wife?"

"Yes I do! And she told me that I need to put myself in someone else's shoes and tell her what I would have done differently if that were my child. And the answer to that is to fight like hell. So I'm not doing it for him. I'm doing it for her."

"Your wife sounds like a very smart woman." She kissed him on his forehead. Did you call about the paperwork?"

"He said he would have something to us within the next hour or so."

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