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Instead of calling her father, Fatima decided to text him. She wanted to simply acknowledge that the message was received but would worry about it another time. She was enjoying he free time with her man. So for the rest of the night, Zac and Fatima spent time deepening their connection both in and out of the bedroom.

"Zac, I love you." Fatima said out of the blue. They'd just been laying across the bed listening to music and smoking. But for the last fifteen minutes held just been silent. "This feels like the old days. Before you had a beard."

"Yea. I wearing short sleeve button ups, flannel shirts and Timbs everyday and you was rocking that black lil bob. Damn that feels like forever ago."

"Remember your car accident? Hell remember when I pulled out my gun on them dudes in the raking lot. You were so pissed at me." Fatima let out a light chuckle.

"Not gonna lie. I'm still mad at that. But something about seeing you hold that gun is sexy as hell to me."

"I wanna talk to you about something and I hope it doesn't ruin the mood." Fatima announced.

"Ok. Wassup?"

"Kids. Well more kids." Fatima took a pause. "I know that before we had Zane we both wanted more kids. At least three. But I don't think that's true for me anymore. But im afraid that's still true for you."

"Are you sayin that you don't want anymore at all or not as many?" Zac asked trying to make sense of what Fatima was telling him.

"I don't know for certain, but I do know that the idea of going through labor again scares me deep. I know that what happened with Zane doesn't mean that it will happen again, but its still one of my biggest fears. Definitely the most traumatic thing I've ever gone through. I guess my worry is that not having Moore kids will be a deal breaker for you."

Zac thought about what Fatima was revealing to him. She was right. They had once agreed on a few children and she was also right that he wanted more. What she didn't know was that it didn't matter that much to him. " T. Hey, look at me. Yes. More kids is something that I have wanted. But it is not something that i need. When I look at our son, I know for a fact that the best parts of both of us and all the love we have made that boy. Making more and more mini versions of my favorite person would be wonderful, but its not the end of the world of perfection stops at Zane. We were really in our bag when we created him." Zac joked trying to make her smile. "What I am saying to you today is that I have everything I need and everything I want in you and our family the way it is. Nothing is missing." He kissed her forehead.

"I really don't deserve you. But I will forever thank God for you." Fatima said. They laid back down and continued to set goals for their future until Zac heard the familiar song of Fatima's snore.

The next morning Zane was awakening his parents with a FaceTime. He couldn't wait to show off all the work he had done with his grandfather.

"Mommy what's wrong with your voice?" Fatima's voice my dry and cracking. She coughed a few times to loosen it up.

"Mommy has cotton mouth and dragon breath." Zac said groggily as he turned over so he could Zane in the phone.

Fatima punched Zac in his thigh "why would you tell him that?"

"Daddy what's cotton mouth?

Fatima glared at him, daring him to speak. "That just means mommy's mouth is dry. Are you having fun with pop pop?"

"Oh yes! Look!!!!" Zane went running Into the garage making his parents dizzy with all the phone shaking. Zane flipped the phone around to reveal a worn structure that resembled a box car. Nothing was assembled but the pieces were propped up to standing position leaning on each other to display their progress.

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