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"Bye daddy." The last words Amaya spoke to her father played in Fatima's head like a recording. Her voice was small and sad as though she knew something that no one else did. They rode in silence as Fatima continued on with the plan as usual. She brought Amaya to Zac's office and from there they were all escorted to the house in a black Suburban. Her parents would make their way there in their own cars later in the day. The kids leapt from the car and into the house excited to see their bedrooms. This was Amaya's first time at the house, and she was enchanted by the house's beauty from the moment she walked through the door. Fatima was pleased to finally see her smiling after being down the entire day.

"Alright kids. Zane, Your bedroom is upstairs to the left, Amaya, yours is right next door to his. He tossed her a bag with bedding inside. "you two get started and we will be up to help in a min."

Zac and Fatima watched as the kids bolted up the stairs. Zane's room had already been decorated but the bed was bare. Amaya's room was a simply designed room ideal for guests decorated in warmer earth tones and lots of natural lighting.

Downstairs, Zac and Fatima were unloading the rest of the bags as they discussed the plans for the rest of the night. "Dad should be here by 7. They're bringing dinner so at least that's one less thing to worry about." Fatima said reaching into the bag with their toiletries. "all the stuff Rich sent me is in our joint email and this folder. Wanna go over it together once the kids are settled?"

"Yeah, we can do that. Has Rich told Amaya what's going on?" Zac Lit a candle in the middle of the kitchen counter. The cleaners had done a great job of maintaining the place, they just needed to get rid of the stuffiness in the rooms.

Fatima shook her head no. "She got upset today when she asked me. I know he's tryna protect her, but he needs to tell her something."

"Listen, I know you're in momma bear mode right now. But please, no more decisions about this alone. I'm with you, but we need to be on the same page in this."

"Zac, You're right. I should have come to you first. And I'm sorry."

"Oh you'll be apologizing later." He said looking seductively at her.

"Is that a promise?" she said giving it right back to him

"You better stop. I'll bend you right over this counter."

"Make me stop"

Fatima and Zac heard a thump and a cry from upstairs. "What was that? they both shouted.

Zac mumbled under his breath "this boy been a cockblock since he was born."

"I heard that." she popped him in the back of the head as they watched Zane come down the stairs with a bloody lip alongside Amaya.

"Mommy I got blood on the floor."

Fatima watched as Zac examined his busted lip. "Monkey bars?"

"kinda. I jumped off them and tried to land on the bed but I missed and my knee hit me in the mouth.'

"This boy wanna be a ninja warrior so bad." Zac said laughing at his son's injury. Fatima walked over to the freezer and wrapped some ice in a hand towel. She grabbed another towel and ran it underwater to wipe up his blood with. "You think he gonna need stitches? She asked from across the room.

"Nah he's good." He answered taking the wet towel from Fatima and gently wiping away the blood.

"Amaya, can you look in any of the bathrooms, there's some A&D ointment in there please."

Amaya scurried away to find a bathroom. "ouch!!" Zane exclaimed.

"oh stop. Shouldn't have been acting like a monkey."

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