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Zac left the bathroom confused about his conversation with Fatima. How could she not know that he wasn't talking about her? Instead of pressing the issue, Zac decided that he would just do as she asked and check on the kids. So after he got himself dressed he went searching to find the kids who were oddly quiet. After finding both their bedrooms empty, Zac located them asleep on the couch in the den. A quick glance around and Zac could tell that Zane talked Amaya into watching a scary movie and ended up scared himself. His son was a trip. He would pick the scary movie swearing that he could handle it and end up cuddled under someone twenty minutes in. Zac considered waking them but decided to just throw a blanket over them instead. He turned off the movie and left them sleeping peacefully. Wanting to give Fatima some space, Zac found himself in their home gym searching for his boxing gloves. he set the music loud enough to get him pumped but low enough that it wouldn't disturb the kids on the other side of the house. Over and over he hit the punching bag until he was drenched in sweat. thirty minutes had gone by and he was winded so he called it quits on the impromptu workout. Fatima appeared in the doorway holding a water bottle just as he was finding he remote to turn off the music.

"Thanks." He accepted the water from her outstretched hand.

"are you done in here?" she asked watching as he grabbed a towel to wipe the sweat from his chest.

"Yea. I wasn't tryna do too much. I was just tryna..you know. Give you some space."

Fatima nodded her head in understanding. "well I wanted to talk to you about that."

"Fatima I didn't mean it the way.." she cut him off before he could finish explaining himself. "Zac, I know. I realized that I was being sensitive and that you weren't talking about post-partum so I wanted to come apologize."

"I appreciate that babe. I would never intentionally hurt your feelings. I was just trying to express that I understood his side because I've been on the receiving end of judgments for being a single father by people who knew nothing about my situation. So I understand why he's scared and angry."

"I understand. And I'm sorry again for overreacting." Fatima offered him a soft smile. "And thank you. for being nice to him. Im sure its still a bit weird."

"what's weird about raising your ex-wife's, ex- boyfriend's daughter while her parents are incarcerated and facing incarceration and planning a wedding to remarry your ex-wife?" Zac said sarcastically. "it's a bit weird for sure. But its not the worst thing ever. Rich is a decent dude. If he weren't your ex. We might could have been friends. And Amaya is a sweetheart so its nothing babe."

"What did I do to deserve such an amazing man?"

"I am the man I am because of you." he pecked her on the lips. "you ready for bed?" he asked

"yea but before I forget, can you drop Zane to school tomorrow? I'm keeping Amaya home for the day."

"Yea. She good?" he asked trying to understand the change in schedule. The kids had just got back into school after being gone for the week while the stuff with Shelby was being handled.

Fatima's face got puppy dog sad. "She got her first period today"

"okkkkkkkkk. But why are you keeping her out of school tomorrow?" Zac said still clueless.

"because we need to celebrate! She just became a woman!"

"Fatima. What? Why? How do you even celebrate a period?"

"we start with pedicures and Starbucks. Then I'm gonna take her to pick up her own personal supplies. Well, more personal supplies and a cake."

"No. Stop. You're doing too much! A cake? Fatima, you're gonna embarrass that girl!"

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