Sneak Peek.

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Merry Chrimuhh Hoes and Hoettes.  becuase yall been rocking with me for a lil minute now... I should thank yall with a tiny sneak peek into the newest book titled "one night in Manhattan"

Let me know what you think so far.. 

"I need a crash cart!!"

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"I need a crash cart!!"

"Her BP is bottoming out!"

"Ten CC's of Epi and push pressers STAT!!

Zachary stood frozen in the corner as the doctors shouted commands around him. They were working like mad men to save her. He couldn't tear his eyes always from the scene unfolding in front of him. One of the physicians was trying to get his attention but he couldn't snap out of the outer body like trance he was in.

"Someone get him outta here!"

He felt someone trying to usher him to the door, but his body wouldn't budge. It couldn't.

"Sir you have to leave if you want us to save her!"

The voice came with a more aggressive push, snapping him out of his trance. His legs carried him to the door, but his eyes never left her. Even after they closed the door shut and lowered the blinds.

Minutes later, another small woman came to him asking him questions about the patient. "Do you know if she's on any medication?

He didn't answer. "Sir. Is there anything you can tell me that could help?"

Still nothing. She shook his arm, finally forcing him to pay attention.

"Ummm. Sorry. No. I don't know her. I only know that her name is Fatima."

She examined his shirt noticing the fresh blood stains. "Are you hurt? Do you need medical attention?

He hadn't noticed the blood until that moment. "No. This isn't my blood. It's hers. I was holding her until the ambulance arrived.

"Ok sir. The police are on the way. They're going to have some questions for you so please follow me to this room until they get here. I'm going to bring you a change of clothes.

"Is she going to be ok?" He asked with worry written all over his face.

"We are going to do our very best to make sure that she is."

Zachary followed the woman to the waiting area where two detectives were already waiting. The nurse excused herself, reminding him that she would return shortly with new clothing for him.

The female detective spoke first.

"Good evening. My name is Detective SIms and this is my partner Detective Johnson." She announced outstretching her hand for Zachary to shake. Her partner did the Same.

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