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Amaya and Fatima have made it to forever21, Zara, Zales, apple, Neiman Marcus and, kids footlocker before stopping to get lunch. In that time, Fatima texted Rich to let him know he needed to be free and clear by 5 when she was bringing Amaya back. He only replied a simple ok and thank you. Amaya chose to eat at cheesecake factory so the ladies say down at their table and looked over the menu.


Zac sat in his office unable to function with his brain running wild trying to figure out who was stalking him. He was scheduled to meet with a client in the next twenty minutes and he desperately needed to get back on his game. He called the one person that he knew could settle him.

"Hey baby. What's up?" Fatima smiled as she answered the phone.

Just hearing her voice brought a smile to his face. "Hey beautiful, just calling to check on you ladies. Everything going well?"

Fatima laughed. "We are great. It's your checking account that you should be worried about." She joked.

"Nah. Do y'all thing. You know I ain't ever stressing that." Zac said still fighting the uneasy feeling. "Ok. Imma let y'all go. I love you."

"I love you too babe. And whatever it is. You're strong enough and smart enough to handle it. But remember that you'll never have to do it alone. I got you boy."

Zac's smile widened. How did she always know exactly what he needed without being told? "Taylor made?"

"The Taylor way." She responded back.

"Can't wait til you get home. Love you."

The call ended just in time for his assistant to tap at his office door letting him know his client arrived. Originally the meeting was supposed to be set for 11am but the client called stating an emergency was making them late and asked to push it back to 1pm As per usual, Zac instructed his assistant to escort them to the conference room where an assortment of fresh fruit, croissants and other snack options. He took a few deep breaths, grabbed his suit jacket and exited his office. He met Jake in the hall and they did their ritual handshake before entering the room. Zac and Jake entered the conference room with Zac in the lead. "Mom? Dad?" Zac stopped in his tracks. Jake stood looking back and forth between the Taylors.

"I think I should go." Jake said realizing this was going to be an interesting meeting and wanting to give them privacy.

"No. Stay. Please." Zac said breaking his stare. "What are y'all doing here?


"Mya. How have things been at home lately?" Fatima asked trying to get a clue as to why Rich was behaving as he was. They'd tackled all the preteen gossip and latest tick took trends. Genuine good ole girl talk came easy to them. They talked like sisters but Amaya still respected Fatima as a child should.

"It's ok. Mostly normal."


"Yea we don't do as much stuff together like we used to. He's working a lot more now and I have track practice a lot."

"My. I need you to know that you can call me anytime for anything. No matter what."

"I know."

"And what we discuss is between us. I will not tell your father."

"I know."

"I love you My. Don't forget that."

"I know. And I Love you too."

"Alright girl. Let's get outta here." Fatima said as she added a tip to the table. They made their way to the parking lot and began their journey to Rich's house. It was earlier than she had planned for but something was telling her that Zac was going to need her sooner than later. Fatima was already emotionally exhausted, and she hadn't even begun on his list of things needing to be handled. Fatima pulled into Rich's driveway at 2pm. He was outside in sweatpants and a wife beater sweeping the broken glass surrounding his car.

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