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Zac chased after Fatima but she made it on to the elevators before he did giving her the chance she needed to escape. Not knowing where in the garage she parked he ended his chase knowing that he could catch her at home. He walked to his car and called andi to ask her if the kids could stay the night while he checked on her. Having already given Andi and Robin a breakdown n what was going on, they agreed without any hesitation. Afterall, he was her nephew and she spoiled him rotten whenever they got time too spend together. Amaya was new to the crew but And and Robin loved her as well.

Zac tried calling Fatima a few times since leaving the hospital but her phone was going to voicemail. So he drove home, stopping by his favorite dispensary on the way. He had a feeling that it would be one of those nights and he anted to be prepared. When he walked in Fatima was blasting Usher though the house and folding clothes for her trip as of it were a normal day.

"Alexa. Play Daddy's home" Fatima commanded the device.

Zac smiled although his face was a mix between confusion and delight.

"Wanna help fold?" She said passing him a pair of leggings. Zac took the leggings but tossed them on the couch still trying to understand how to approach Fatima. On the outside, she looked fine. Like nothing ever happened. But Zac knew this façade. He wasn't going to wait for it to manifest alter and turn into something bigger.

"Not really. Come. You crush. I roll."

"Zac. I'm good. I promise."

"I didn't ask if you were good. Can't a man just wanna blow one down with his wife?" He was putting on big time. He didn't care if he had to use every corny line in the book, he was gonna convince her to come outside with him.

"Zac. I don't wanna talk about my.... Veronica."

"Good me either. Just come outside." Zac said leaving her where she stood and walking through the house to the backyard. He started up the fire it and got two glasses from the outdoor kitchen. Fatima sashayed through the behind him just as he told here too.


"Aht. Here." He passed the glass her way along with the jar with the magic herb.

"Babe. I really need to finish packing."

"The kids are gone for the night. Ill help you tonight. Scouts honor." He said holding up a peace sign with his fingers.

Fatima laughed. "Boy. Whatever. And ya ass aint ever been no scout.

"Scouted you out didn't I?""

"Need I remind you that I was the one who found you?"

"Yea and almost sent me to the upper room with ya non-driving ass. Red or white?" He asked holding up two bottles of hinge from the fridge.

Knowing that she wasn't gonna in she conceded. "Red."

"That's what I'm talking bout!" he said excitedly popping the cork and pouring her a full glass.

Fatima took her seat on the top of the table closest to where Zac was standing pouring their glasses.

"This is where ya son gets it from. Sit ya ass in a chair woman." Zac told her as he handed her the full glass.

Fatima accepted it looking at how full he poured it. "as long as he don't hae your drinking habits. Why is this cup filled to the brim?"

"Ha ha ha. So funny." He pulled out a chair and fluffed the cushion for her.

"Speaking of my chocolate drop. How do you think he is handling all of the changes with Amaya being here full-time?"

"He seems to be loving it. I mean sure, he has his moments but they're kids." Zac took his seat on the opposite side of the table but then decided he was too far so he moved closer, grabbing her legs to sing across his lap. "Did I he say anything?"

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