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Fatima sat up in bed that night unable to sleep. She couldn't help but think that maybe Zac was right about her mood swings going from hot to cold. But she was certain he was wrong about her being pregnant. She decided she would take Zac out on a date to apologize for being crazy and meet up with Rock for a tune-up. They were due for a lunch date anyway. It had been a while since they'd had a chance to really catch up. Rock recently welcomed a son and was readjusting to parenthood. Although they hadn't seen each other in a while, they still checked in on one another periodically.

Zac felt her stirring in bed and threw his arm across her to bring her into him. "You alright?" he whispered into her bonnet.

"Better now." The next morning Fatima somehow managed to rise before Zac and snuck into the bathroom quietly just to appease him and pee on the stick before she headed out for her spin class. Just as she put the cap on the test to let the timer countdown Zac entered the bathroom.

"perfect timing" he announced groggily. Fatima washed her hands and they stood waiting impatiently at the counter for the timer to expire.

"Now when I prove to you that I am not pregnant, you gonna have to drop this."

"Damn Tima. Hit that toothpaste and toothbrush."

She rolled her eyes at him. "don't piss me off."

The alarm rang in the background and Zac snatched the test up from the counter. He put it back down a second later and walked silently to the shower turning it on. he couldn't even deny, he was disappointed. It wasn't like they were planning to get pregnant but they sure weren't trying not to either.

Fatima saw the switch in Za's mood instantly and followed behind him into the shower.
"hey. You ok?" she asked grabbing her shower cap to protect her hair.

"Yea. Im good." He replied quietly.

"Hey." She turned him around to face her taking his hand into hers. "how about this? Can we just wait until after the wedding. We can stalk seriously talking about it then." Fatima pleaded with a disappointed Zac.

He offered her a weak smile. "Ok T, I like that." He turned back around and stood completely under the stream water, allowing the warmth to run down from his head. He felt her hands move across his back.

"We already have so much going on right now babe. Let's just wait until stuff calms down. I'm not saying no."

"I hear you T. We good. I was just so certain. Your attitudes, your skin, your period is late. I just knew. "

Fatima listened to him and truly felt bad. For years she had come to terms with the fact that she didn't want any more children. especially not one with a different father than their first child. All the stress and anxiety that came along with the memories she experienced with Zane's birth was at times more than she could handle. But in the same breath, she knew she wanted to give Zac as many kids as he wanted. She loved that man and would do anything to make him happy. But how could she talk herself into possibly going through that again? She almost didn't make it out the first time. "Can I take you to lunch? I have been a bit short with you lately and I wanna take you out to say sorry."

"Sounds good baby." Zac answered although it was evident that he was not really interested in talking at the moment.

Taking his cue, Fatima came up with a crap excuse to exit the shower and let him finish alone. Wrapped in her bathrobe she went into each other the kid's rooms to wake them for school. When she was done with the kids Fatima went back to her bedroom to find something to wear for the day. She was planning on letting Zac know that she was gonna take the kids this morning and then meet him at noon for lunch but when she arrived into the bedroom Zac wasn't there. She looked in the closet, back in the bathroom and even in his man cave but it was like he'd disappeared into thin air. She found some jeans and a fitted top to throw on and called Zac's phone at this point. Assuming he'd left the house.

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