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The night before the family were set to leave for the airport Zac was ready to give Fatima the destination of their wedding. "If I tell you, what you gonna do for me?" He asked taunting her flirtatiously. The couple was sitting in bed. They were exhausted from the stress of the day but enjoyed their moments together. Zac was certain Fatima was going to fall asleep before him. He'd gotten used to it.

"I'm marrying you ain't I?" She shot back at him. Fatima stuck her tongue out at Zac who pretended to be shocked by her answer.

"Had this been your first marriage.."

She cut him off in a threatening manner "Zachary!"

He threw his hands up in surrender. "You started it." He smiled.

She softened her eyes. "Tell me."

Zac released a deep breath. He held it for a second, building anticipation. "Paris." He finally said slowly.

"ARE YOU SERIOUS?!?!?!" Fatima squealed In delight. She bounced up and down in her spot beside him.

"Did I do good? I'm glad you like it. I almost picked Sha...."Zac let his words trail off. He had be successful in hiding his plans thus far. He knew if he finished his thought, she would figure out the plan for sure.

"Where'd you almost pick?" She asked him not hearing the location before.

Zac thought quickly. "Sha....shamelessly I was thinking we could go to Vegas and do a dramatic wedding. Elvis, the chapel, the whole nine." He lied. He knew Fatima would have been pissed had that been their wedding. Zac knew better.

"I'm too tired too even entertain that. You ain't crazy."

Zac looked over at the clock on his nightstand. It read 11:17pm. "Yea. Let's call it a night. We gotta be at the airport at 11 and you know how slow these kids and they mama is."

"Real cute!" She said smiling through a yawn. Fatima could not fight any longer. She scooted her body down under the covers after kissing Zac goodnight. She rolled on her side and flicked her bedside lamp off. Zac sat seated in the bed still thinking happily about where they were in life. He hoped these next few days flew by. He couldn't wait any longer for her to be Mrs. Taylor again. Officially that is. A few moments later Zac reached over shutting off his bedside lamp and cuddling up behind Fatima. His arms instinctively wrapped around her and she adjusted herself to allow him closer. Before she could realize what was happening in her sleepy haze, she felt Zac's hand begin rubbing her belly and her body froze. He stopped after a moment and Fatima was sure her spot was blown. In that moment she became resigned to the fact that he had figured her out. She wanted to surprise him but she was also now ok with just telling him. A moment later his hands began to move again and Fatima breathed again. She could feel his erection on her behind and figured that was the reason for his strange body language a few moments ago. He was trying to make it to the wedding as he had promised her, she reasoned with herself.

Not too long later, Zac heard Fatima's soft snores did his mind begin to wonder. He shook his head and dismissed his thoughts. Fatima was feeling a little different to him. He knew her body like it was his own but something was off but it also felt very familiar. After a few moments, he let the thought pass, blaming it on the upcoming wedding. Even though he had made the process as stress free as possible for Fatima, he knew that a woman would still worry about her wedding day.


"Fatima! Just because the plane won't leave without does not mean that you shouldn't even attempt to be on time" Nichelle yelled up the stairs. She looked at Zac for answers. "Wasn't she just ready five minutes ago?"

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