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As soon as Zac made his way to the bathroom, Fatima began a new conversation. But she had to talk quick.

"listen. We have to plan this christening soon. Zac is gonna lose his mind when y'all officially ask him to be the godfather! Like, we all know he already claimed the role, but for him to actually go through the process.. the man might cry." Fatima smiled. Zac wasn't the only one with surprises up his sleeve. Fatima and Phoenix knew how badly Zac wanted to be their children's godfather. Unfortunately, Jake didn't believe in the idea of godparents because it wasn't something he was introduced to growing up. However. After the way Zac held down their daughter and helped Phoenix through labor, the couple made the decision to learn more about what it meant to be a god parent and realized that Zac and Fatima were the only people they truly trusted with the lives of their children. Even Jake's parent who were out of jail now after the SEC scandal (book 1) didn't show up for them the way their friends did.

"It's planned. Well for the most part." Phoenix shared. "We are only waiting for a date. You have Amaya's birthday party at the end of the month so why not the weekend after that?"

Fatima quickly searched through her calendar on her phone. "That's actually perfect."

"Phoenix whipped out her cell and shot over a text of her own. "Ok it's all set." She said to her best friend and husband.

"Now. Zac's birthday is also coming up. And I have no idea what to do for that man."

"You know you can't go wrong with a trip for Zac. For someone who lives to be the center of attention, he truly does not like celebrating his birthday." Jake interjected.

"I know. But it's the first time I've really gotten to celebrate his birthday with him in years. I want to make it special. To show him how special he is."

"He's coming back" Phoenix whispered loudly enough for only the table to hear. They slid naturally into a conversation about a news story flashing across the screen. "These wildfires are getting crazy. If they keep burning at this speed we're not gonna have any forest left. 48 million acres burnt is crazy."

"Yea. And did you hear how back the smoke and air was up in NY and NJ. The fires were so bad, the moon is orange."

"Hey babe, ready to go?" Zac asked reclaiming his seat at the table. "Yea babe. Just waiting for the check."

"Oh it's covered. I took care of it."

Everyone departed the restaurant after they said their black goodbyes. You know, the kind of goodbye that comes with two more side conversations and three more mentions of getting together soon with X,y,and z person before actually leaving. You'd think they weren't going to see each other soon. Zac held open the passenger door for Fatima as she slid into her seat. He took a moment to admire her beauty before closing the door. As he walked around to his side of the car he felt a presence that made him stop in his tracks. He could have sworn he heard a camera shutter but again shook it off. Fatima noticed his disrupted demeanor and questioned him about it.

"Hey babe. You alright?" She asked as he adjusted his seatbelt.

"Yea. Why do you ask?"

"You just look a lil off."

"I'm good. Promise." Zac pecked her on the lips. "We got a few more baby free hours. How you wanna spend them?" Zac asked changing the topic.

Fatima thought about it for a moment. "At home. The BET Awards are coming on tonight. Busta is being honored with the lifetime achievement award."

"I forgot that was coming on tonight. Yea let's do that."


"MeeMee. If telling lies is bad and kids get punished. Who punishes grown ups who lie?" Zane asks over a peanut butter and jelly sandwich lunch. He was sitting outside on the back patio enjoying sandwiches with his MeeMee after their afternoon nap.

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